"It was his fault!"

Start from the beginning

"Fine! Dabi broke Tomura's switch!" You admitted

"No, it was you!" Dabi said.

The both of you started fighting again.

"I'm guessing he told the both of you to buy a new switch for him." Hawks guessed.

"Yes and we have no money." You explained.

"Wait right here." Hawks said before flying off.

Few minutes later and he was back with a brand new switch in hand.

"Holy shit, thank you!" You said as Dabi rolled his eyes.

"No problem." Hawks shrugged.

"Why did you helped us?" Dabi asked suspiciously.

"We are practically working together, plus I hate to see someone as pretty as Virus in trouble." Hawks said, gesturing towards you.

There was a stunned silence between you and Dabi. The both of you were trying to process what Hawks said.

"Did Hawks, the No.2 Pro Hero, just flirted at me?" You asked, looking at Dabi.

"I think he hit his head a little too hard, who the fuck would want to date you." Dabi said.

"Hey! I'm fabulous!" You said, flipping your hair.

"Shut up, now bring us back to the base." Dabi said as he glared at you.

"Fine fine." You said before glitching the both of you back.

Hawks looked at the place where the both of you had stood before smiling to himself and flying off. As much as he hates to admit it, be felt himself growing closer to the villains he was supposed to stop.

Back at the base, Shigaraki was skeptical on how you and Dabi got him a new switch.

"You're telling me, that you didn't steal this."

"Yeap." You and Dabi said together.

"And this isn't a rip off." Shigaraki said.

"Yes again." You and Dabi said.

"How the fuck did the both of you get the money??" Shigaraki demanded.

"Well uh...." Dabi said, trying to think of an explanation before getting interrupted by you.

"Hey Tomura! Can we play Mario Kart together?" You asked, giving him a smile.

"Yea sure." Shigaraki shrugged, quickly forgetting in what he was asking the both of you earlier.

Later that night, Hawks had received a message on you wanting to meet him at the warehouse again. He agreed, thinking that it was a mission.

He was wrong.

"Hey Hawks! Surprised to see you early for once!" You said, glitching right next to him.

"I decided to try and have a little change of pace, y'know." Hawks said, shrugging slightly.

"I brought cookies!" You said, smiling like a little child as you held up a bag filled with treats.

"H-huh?" Hawks said, slightly confused.

"Take this as a thank you for helping me and Dabi out earlier." You shrugged.

"Did you made these?" Hawks asked.

"No, Dabi did." You said.

There was silence between the both of you before you burst out laughing.

"I'm joking, Dabi is banned from the kitchen because of an accident resulting in a burnt dinner. I obviously made these, duh." You explained

Hawks looked hesitantly at the baked goodies before him, you were a villain after all, you couldn't be trusted.

But looking at the eager look you had on your face for him to try it out broke him and he gingerly took a bite.

To his surprise, the cookies were delicious.

"Woah!" He said, his eyes widening in delight. "These are really good!"

"It took Kurogiri almost a year to get me to master this recipe, so I'm glad you like it!" You said smiling.

"You should make these more often." Hawks said, his mouth full of cookies.

"Jeez ya idiot, you have crumbs all over your face." You sighed as you used your thumb to swipe off some crumbs from Hawks' face.

Hawks froze at the sudden contact but quickly regained his composure.

"If you wanted to touch me that much, why didn't you say so?" Hawks said, smirking.

You froze for a good second.

"I- WHA- HUH- I- WHAT DID YOU SAY??" You yelled as you glitches a good 5 feet away from Hawks. Your eyes glitched between colours rather furiously.

Hawks let out a chuckle, "Relax, I'm just kidding! Unless..."

"Fuck you man, I'm going home." You said, still slightly flustered from Hawks' flirting. You waved a goodbye and glitched away.

Hawks chuckled again, he placed his hand on his chest and was surprised to find his heart beating rather fast.

"What kind of feelings are you stirring up in me, Virus?"

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