"Don't get distracted, Hawks"

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Hawks sighed as he paced back and forth outside the Hero Commission President's office door.

He never liked the meetings with the president, she had big dreams, some of which that didn't meet Hawks ideals, therefore a lot of disagreement between the both of them.

Unfortunately, this mission means that Hawks will have to meet up with her a lot more often.

How delightful.

"You may come in now Hawks." The secretary said.

Hawks walked in, "Hey there!" He said.

"Good afternoon Hawks how is the mission so far?" The president asked.

"I haven't got the chance to meet Shigaraki yet, but I did meet Dabi and Virus." Hawks explained. 

"Any information? Are they close to each other? Or just withstanding it to fulfill their plans?" The president pressed on.

"Not much information yet, they still don't really trust me. But, they are close to each other, especially..." Hawks said, trailing off at the last part.

"Especially who?" The president asked.

Hawks hesitated, debating whether or not to tell the president.

"Shigaraki and Virus." Hawks finally said.

"Oh? That's surprising." The president said, raising her eyebrow.

"Apparently they knew each other since they were kids." Hawks explained.

"Hmmmm...." The president muttered, "This could be something good for our advantage."

"W-what do you mean?" Hawks asked, he had a bad feeling where this was going.

"Hypothetically speaking, we could capture Virus and find a way to subdue her quirk. If we succeed in that, we can threaten Shigaraki into surrendering." The president explained.

Hawks was silent for a moment. Using someone's relationship to their own gain? Even though you were a villain, this was just a terrible move.

As if though the president read his mind, she proceeded to reason with him. "Think about it! We can finally bring those villains to justice and the world will be safe!"

"But they are still humans! You can't just use someone's relationship to win!" Hawks protested, "And they aren't all that bad." He added, thinking about the cookies you gifted to him.

"Hawks, we are talking about villains who have killed people and will continue. You are really going to let their relationships get in the way of making this world a better place?" The president questioned.

"Don't get distracted, Hawks. Remember who you're dealing with and whose side you are on." The president reminded him. Her tone almost sounded like she was threatening him.

"R-right." Hawks mumbled.

"Good, I expect another report from you 2 weeks from now. You may leave." The president said with a smile on her face.

"Thank you, I will be on my way." Hawks said before leaving the room.

The moment the doors closed behind him, he let out a huge sigh.

Was what he was doing really right?

Back at the League's base, there was a debate on what to name the snake Spinner bought impulsively.

"William Snakespeare!" You yelled.

"Hisstopher!" Dabi yelled back.

"Barack Cobrama?" Mr. Compress suggested, earning a weirded out look from you and Dabi.

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