"I-its Hawks!"

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"Please! Have mercy!" A man begged before getting devoured by Dabi's flames.

"Damn, it has been 2 days and no luck." You complained as you swatted some ashes away from your face.

"I thought Kurogiri said you are good and persuading people." Dabi said.

"I am! Its just those stupid people were annoying and trying to touch me, disgusting imbeciles." You said.

"All you do is complain, I think Shigaraki was doing this on purpose to torture me." Dabi complained.

"Maybe if I let him beat me in Mario Kart he will allow me to stop following you around." You said to yourself.

"If that's what it takes to make him stop putting us together then please, let him beat you in your stupid video games." Dabi grumbled.

"This whole idea is stupid anyways, the people we met are either weak or just plain disgusting. Plus, isn't the league strong enough already?" You said.

"Shut up glitch bitch, someone is coming over here." Dabi said as he turned around.

A man came running over before stopping to catch his breath.

"Who the fuck is that?" You asked.

"That is someone I asked to keep an ear out if someone is interested, looks like he found someone." Dabi said.

"I-I found someone!" The man said.

"I figured that, now out with it." Dabi threatened as his hand came close to the man's neck with fire just barely skimming the man's skin.

"I-its Hawks!"

The both of you froze.

"What?" Dabi questioned.

"Hawks? As in that No.2 Pro Hero?" You said.

"Yes! He is interested in joining you guys, he wants to meet the two of you at a warehouse!" The man panted.

You and Dabi looked at each other before bursting into laughter.

"Enough with the jokes old man, why would a hero want to join a bunch of villains?" You threatened. "Heroes and Villains have different ideals."

"As unbelievable as it sounds, he really wants to talk to the both of us, just please let me go!" The man pleaded.

"Very well then, we will let you go." Dabi said.

"It's my turn this time!" You said as you touched the man shoulder, the next thing the man knew he was stuck in the wall of a building.

"The pressure of the building will slowly crush you so you will be dead in a few minutes give or take." You said smiling at the man.

"W-wait, no, please!" The man begged, but before he could say anything else you had glitched his face into the wall.

"Or I could just snapped your head off your body." You said as blood poured on the floor.

"That was way too messy." Dabi said.

"Hey! At least my way is more creative then you just turning shit into ashes, now let's go to that stupid warehouse!" You said.

"You killed that guy before he could said which warehouse." Dabi pointed out.

"No need, he had the address written on this paper, see?" You said as you pulled out a piece of paper from the man's jacket.

"Great, that address is far from here." Dabi said.

"Well, lucky for you, I have been there before." You said, smiling at Dabi.

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