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"When is Twice getting here?" Toga asked for what felt like the billionth time.

You and the League were currently waiting for Twice in a warehouse, he had said that he found a potential member who was apparently very powerful.

"Twice is running a little late, do you think he got distracted by a doll again?" You asked, referring to a time when you, Toga, and Dabi had spent almost the whole night looking for Twice before finally spotting him at a toy store window arguing with himself on whether to steal a doll or head back to the League.

"That might be a possibility, considering its Twice." Mr. Compress said.

At that very moment, the warehouse doors opened and Twice came walking through with a man with a bird beak mask and two other men.

"Everyone, meet Overhaul!" Twice introduced.

"Overhaul, interesting but random name." You said.

"This place is so disgusting and dirty, I might get sick from the dust here." Overhaul complained.

"Great, he is a germaphobe too." You said rolling your eyes.

"Twice, you had brought in a big catch today." Shigaraki noted.

"What do you mean by that?" You asked.

"He is the young leader of that yakuza, Shie Hassaikai." Shigaraki said, looking at you like he expected you to know that.

"What the hell is a yakuza?" Toga asked. "And why is he so important?"

"A yakuza is a gangster group, except they are a little more ancient than the newer ones nowadays, Overhaul here is a relic from the ancient times coming from a long line of leaders." Mr. Compress explained.

"Where were you when I was struggling to understand All Might's history? That shit was confusing." You said, thinking back about the time when you and Shigaraki would sit on the floor and read or watch about All Might's accomplishments to get a better understanding on his power.

"So, how has it been riding on the high tails ever since All Might's retirement?" Magne asked.

"I say, the yakuza did gain a little more traction since All for One's defeat." Overhaul said. "There is no longer a king over the light or darkness, and I say me and my yakuza have the most powerful grip right now."

"I will be the next to rule over the darkness." Shigaraki replied.

"We Tomura, we." You corrected, but Shigaraki ignored you.

"You, and your silly little league? You guys are just pieces meant to be used and tossed away, like Stain. I suggest you guys join me and help me become the ruler of this darkness." Overhaul said.

"That's it, looks like someone's body will be in the wall of this warehouse." You said as you started to walk towards Overhaul, but Shigaraki stopped you.

"I suggest you leave." Shigaraki said, glaring at Overhaul.

But Magne rushed out behind the both of you, activating her quirk, magnetism, and attracting Overhaul to her metal pole.

She swung at Overhaul's head, and hitting him, but you noticed he swiftly removed one of his gloves and touched her.

The next thing you knew, Magne's torso exploded in front of you, blood splattered everywhere and her lower half of her body, the only thing remaining, fell to the ground.

"MAGNE!" You yelled.

Magne, the lady who was the mother figure you always wanted in your life. Magne, the lady who taught you and Toga how to style each other's hair.

"COMPRESS! GET BACK!" Shigaraki's yell brought you back to reality as you noticed Mr. Compress ran forward, clearly planning to trap Overhaul in his marbles.

But one of Overhaul's men shot a bullet at him, you noticed that Mr. Compress' quirk couldn't work.

"Don't touch me!" Overhaul said and reached out to touch Mr. Compress' arm.

"NO!" You yelled as Compress's arm exploded.

You and Shigaraki charged at Overhaul, another of Overhaul's men tried to block the both of you, but you reached out and touched the man's head, glitching only his head to the other side of the warehouse, decapitating him immediately.

Just before Shigaraki could touch Overhaul, the man that shot Compress aimed at Shigaraki, you spotted it out of the corner of your eye.

"TOMURA!" You yelled and grabbed his arm, glitching him and you to a safe distance from the bullet that shot at the place where the both of you had just been.

At that very moment, a group of men burst through the warehouse doors, ending the fight immediately. They seem to be Overhaul's men.

"W-what? I was sure there wasn't anyone else here!" Twice said.

"It wasn't your fault, someone's quirk must have led them here." Shigaraki said, eying the men.

"It's unfortunate that this meeting had turn into a hostile battle, I believe you and your stupid league are incapable of making level-headed decisions." Overhaul said.

You glowered at him, getting more and more frustrated that the man who just killed Magne and destroyed Compress' arm was now making snarky remarks at you and the league. As much as you would like to kill him, you understood he was way too dangerous to attack.

"Since both of us has lost one man," Overhaul said, but you interrupted. "YOU lost one man, we lost a woman." You said as you glared at him.

Overhaul eyed you up and down, clearly impressed at your boldness before focusing back on his speech. 

"Since we have both lost somebody on our sides, I say we call this meeting to an end." He said, tossing a business card towards Shigaraki. "When you guys have cooled down, maybe we can make some negotiations."  

"Why should we let him leave? He killed Big Sister Magne!" Toga said as she brought out her knives.

"This was my fault, I should take him!" Twice insisted.

"Stand down, the both of you, I don't need to lose more people from my side." Shigaraki ordered.

Reluctantly, you and the League allowed Overhaul to leave.

You, Twice, and Toga ran towards Overhaul, seeing that he was unconscious and losing blood. You teared off some fabric from your shirt to try and stop the bleeding.

"We need to get Mr. Compress to a hospital." Toga said. "And we need to avenge Magne." She added as she stared at Magne's blood, not too far away from Mr. Compress.

"Next time when we meet him, we will make him pay." Shigaraki said.

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