Y/n: I am sorry for what I said earlier.

Peter: It's Okay. Are you okay? You know you still didn't put your nose back in place right?

Y/n: Yeah I'm fine and yeah I know I'll fix it soon. Now if you will excuse me, I'm gonna talk to Gamora.

Peter: Wait Are you sure that's a good Idea? You were just mad at her not even 5 minutes ago.

Y/n: I know but we need to talk anyways so I'll go try and calm her down for everybody safety.

Peter: All right Good Luck.

Y/n walks down into the cargo bay where Gamora is at practicing with her sword.

Y/n: Hey Gamora...

Gamora: Go away, Y/n.

Y/n: We need to talk.

Gamora: I don't need a pep talk.

Y/n: Yeah well I need your help with fixing my nose since you did break it.

Gamora looks at Y/n with guilt and puts her sword away and goes to fix Y/n's nose but He stops her.

Y/n: Not here in my room so we can talk privately.

Gamora nods her head and They head to Y/n's room. As they enter  the door shuts and they sit on y/n's bed. Gamora is the first to Talk.

Gamora: Y/n I'm so so sorry that I did that to you. I know saying sorry won't fix your trust so i'll do anyth-

Y/n: I forgive you okay I know you didn't mean to do it. I just wanted to talk to you and check up on you.

Gamora: Still I feel bad so just name what you want.

Y/n: (sigh) Okay.

Y/n takes Gamora's hand and puts it on his head so she could pet his wolf ears.

Y/n: I want you to be happy could you do that for me? And please Come talk to me whenever My door is always open. Like I said before if I can help I will.

Gamora takes her hand off his head and goes to fix his nose.

Gamora: I'm gonna put your nose back in place on 3 okay?

Y/n: (nods) Okay.

Gamora: 1..2..

Gamora puts Y/n's nose back in place and Y/n groans is pain and feels his nose is back in place.

Y/n: Thanks for that.

Gamora: Thanks for not hating me.

Y/n: Mhm

Y/n and Gamora sat in comfortable silence until Gamora asked Y/n something.

Gamora:(small Blush) Could I pet your wolf ears?

Y/n:(smiling) Sure.

Gamora stars petting Y/n's wolf ears. After A minute Gamora now with a bigger blush asks.

Gamora:(Blushing) C-Could we stay like this for a while? Only if you're okay with that?

Y/n:(Blushing): S-sure I don't mind anything to make you happy.

Gamora:(Smiles) Thanks Y/n.

Timeskip 30 minutes

Peter leaves his room and looks around to see everybody but Y/n and Gamora.

Peter: Hey guys, have any of you seen Y/n or Gamora?

Rocket: Last time I saw the both of them is when they both went into Yn's room and that was 30 minutes ago (Gasp) You don't think?

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