Chapter Seven

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"Hey." Cameron said the next day as he opened the door to Dinah.

"Hey." Dinah said with a grunt as she walked in, her hand on her back.

"Are you okay Di?"

"I just slept on my back wrong. I'll be fine. So what movie are we watching?"

After the movie was done, Dinah got a call from Courtney.

"Hey Court. What's up? Right now? Okay. I'll be over there in a few minutes."

"Was that Courtney?" Cameron asked.

"Yeah. She needs me to come over." Dinah replied as she struggled to get up.

"Do you need help?"

"I'm fine. I'll see you later."

When she arrived at Courtney's, she was greeted with the rest of the team and an uncomfortable looking Yolonda.

"What's going on?" Dinah asked.

"I need to tell you guys something." Yolonda said.

"Okay." Dinah said as she sat down next to Rick.

"When we fought the ISA last year, I fought Brainwave. During the fight, he....he pretended he was Henry. And I..." Yolonda said as she started choking up. Courtney put a reassuring hand in Yolonda's shoulder. "I killed him."

"Okay." Rick said.

"That's it?" Yolonda asked.

"I almost killed Grundy remember?" Rick replied.

"Yeah but you didn't."

"Because my hour was up."

"Was it really?" Yolonda asked.

"Yolonda," Dinah started. "I can't even imagine how you've felt keeping this all to yourself. I carry the guilt from almost killing Icicle. I'm sorry you've been having to deal with this and you felt you couldn't open up to us."

"I just want you guys to know because with everything going on with Eclipso, I can't be the one to kill again. And I don't want you guys going through this either."

"We'll figure it out." Dinah said.

"Will we though? If it comes down to killing him, I'm not doing it again." Yolonda said as she got up and walked out the door.

"Yolonda!" Courtney called out as she started to get up but was stopped by Dinah.

"Just give her some space right now Court. We can regroup later and try to come up with a solution."

Dinah was sitting on her bed watching tv when she heard a knock her door. Cameron opened it and walked in. 

"Hey." Dinah said.

"I know." Cameron said.


"I know." Cameron repeated slowly as he started walking towards Dinah's bed, his face getting serious and the room getting colder. "I know that you have powers and are part of that stupid team. And I also know that you tried to kill my dad."

"Cam, I can explain." Dinah said slowly getting up.

"What's there to explain? You tried to kill my dad. The same man who has been nothing but nice to you all these years. You come to my house, you eat dinner with us. And how do you repay him? By trying to kill him. You probably would have too if Mike hadn't have."

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