Chapter Two

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The next day, Rick showed up at Dinah's house.

"Hey, what's up?" Dinah asked as she opened the door.

"I want to show you something."

"Okay." Dinah replied skeptically.

"Make sure you wear some tennis shoes or boots."

"Rick you're not about to make me work out are you?" Dinah asked with a groan.

"No." Rick replied with a chuckle. "You'll see."

"So where are we going?" Dinah asked as Rick drove them.

"You know how I let Grundy go last year when we fought the ISA?"


"Well I've been coming out to the woods and bringing food for him." Rick said as he pointed to the backseat where there was buckets of fried chicken.

"I was wondering why your car smelled like fast food."

Rick chuckled.

"But in all seriousness, I think that's a nice thing to do. I know it's not easy."

"We're here." Rick said as he pulled his car over and grabbed the food.

"I'll stay in here. Give you some privacy."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's fine."

After a while, Dinah's phone went off.

"Hey Beth. Wait-what? Yeah I'm with Rick. We'll be over there soon."

After Dinah hung up with Beth, she called Rick. "Hey we need to go to Pat's garage. Beth just called and they found another legacy."

Later at the garage, Beth, Rick, and Dinah were standing with Pat watching as the girl they now knew as Jennie messed with the Green Lantern ring.

"Wow. I still can't believe it. There's another legacy. I didn't even know your dad had kids." Dinah said in amazement.

"Yeah. After my parents died, my twin brother and I got separated and put into different homes. But now I'm eighteen and I got kicked out. So I'm trying to find Todd now." Jennie replied.

"So what all can you do with the ring?" Dinah asked.

"I'm not sure. I only got it a couple days ago and it led me here to the lantern."

The door to the garage opened as Yolonda and Courtney walked in.

"What's going on here?" Courtney asked.

"Jennie was showing us the ring and what it can do." Beth answered.

"Hi, I'm Jennie." Jennie said as she shook Yolonda's hand.

"Yolonda." Yolonda responded.

"So you told her about the team. Why?" Courtney asked.

"Because she's a legacy Court." Rick responded

"Like Rick and Dinah." Beth added.

"So is that why you're here? Because you found out about the new JSA?" Courtney asked.

"Court..." Pat started.

"No Pat. I wouldn't be so skeptical if she would have knocked on our door last night but she broke in."

"Because I didn't know who stole my father's lantern."

Courtney stared at Jennie for a moment.

"Maybe I should just go then." Jennie said awkwardly as she walked out of the garage.

"Jennie. Jennie wait!" Beth called out as she ran after her.

"That was not cool Court." Rick said as he went after them.

"Courtney what's your problem?" Dinah asked.

"I just don't know if we should trust her."

"You, who trusts everyone and wants to give everyone a chance, don't trust Jennie? Courtney is there something else going on?"

Courtney was quiet for a moment.

"Is this because she's a legacy? Court, you know that doesn't change anything."

"Doesn't it though?"

"It doesn't Courtney. You're still Stargirl and you're still as valuable as anyone else on this team. I think Rick's just excited because there's someone else that can relate to us and what we've been through because of the ISA."

"I should probably go find Jennie and apologize."

Dinah and Courtney found Jennie and the rest of the team later that day in the garage.

"Hey Jennie. I just wanted to apologize about earlier. I just...I felt intimidated and jealous when you showed up. I mean you're a legacy. Your dad was a member of the JSA and you're so fortunate that you had that. I wish I had had that."

"You don't know anything about me and what I've been through." Jennie replied. "Stop thinking my life is all great."

"Uh guys." Dinah said as she noticed the lantern start glowing like crazy. Everyone turned to look at the lantern. Rick put on the hourglass as he grabbed the lantern and started running, the girls following after him.

"It looks like it's going to explode." Courtney said as they ran through town.

"I can try and crush it?" Rick suggested.

"What if that makes it definitely explode?" Beth asked.

"What's going on?" Pat asked as he and Larry ran up to the group of teens.

"Pat, it's the lantern." Courtney replied.

Rick suddenly dropped the lantern as the power got stronger.

"What happened?" Pat asked.

"We didn't know where else to take it. We thought we would try to get it away from people." Dinah answered.

"This is all my fault." Jennie said as the lantern started glowing brighter.

"Emotions Jennie, remember?" Pat said. "That's what effects your power."

A look of realization crossed Courtney's face. "Jennie is the lantern. That's why the ring works when you put it on. Because you're charging it. You can absorb the energy before it explodes."

"I can try." Jennie said as she grabbed the lantern and looked to the group. "You all need to leave. If this doesn't work..."

Courtney stepped forward. "I'm not going anywhere Jennie."

"We're not going anywhere." Dinah corrected as she stepped forward as well and glanced back at Rick, Yolonda and Beth.

"You can do this." Courtney said.

As Jennie held the lantern, the glow started getting dimmer and dimmer. "I think it's working. Yeah I think I got it."

Suddenly, Jennie's eyes started glowing green and the lantern let out an explosion, knocking everyone back. 

When everyone had recovered, they looked at where Jennie had been.

"No." Dinah said tearfully.

"She saved us." Beth said sadly.

Suddenly, Jennie floated down covered in green energy.

"Whoa." Dinah said.

"Oh my gosh." Jennie said. "Hey guys, I guess I can fly now."

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