I Don't Know What I Would Do Without You [☁️ 🛌 ]

Start from the beginning

"I'm okay, Harv." You smiled at your husband, running a hand through his abnormally disheveled hair. "I protect myself and stay safe."

"Safe?!" Harvey looked up at you, disbelief in his eyes, gesturing to your nasty injury. "You call this safe? I've told you the mines are dangerous! You could get badly injured!" He shook his head, grabbing a bottle from his kit. "You could easily die from this! If it got infected, if you had passed out and lost any more blood- This is a serious injury, (Y/N)!"

"But you're going to treat it and make it all better." You smiled, trying to reassure your loving husband. "It may hurt for a couple of days, but I'll be perfectly fine."

"This time! But what about the next?  What if you pass out! What if I fell asleep again and couldn't go out to look for you?!" The intensity was rising in his voice as he spoke, nearing a yell. You had never seen him so riled up...well....besides on your wedding night. ;) He sighed deeply as he managed to calm himself down. "There's no reason for you to go to the mines again. It's just not worth it, dear." He grabbed a large cloth from his kit.

"I need to go to the mines!" You objected. "I have to get ore to sell to Clint for money and to repair things on the farm." 

"I'll tell Clint he needs to get his ore himself." He doused the cloth in the liquid from the bottle. "Brace yourself, this may sting." He offered you his free hand to hold as he ran the cloth down your cut, sending shots of icy pain through your leg. You sucked in a breath through your teeth as you squeezed his hand tightly. You knew he hated to put you in more pain, you could see it on his face as he cleaned the wound. "I'll go to the city to take appointments. We can buy any supplies we need. I just...I just can't lose you." He rubbed your uninjured leg lightly as a sign of affection as he looked up at you. Tears filled his eyes.

Instantly, you felt yourself in his shoes. You could never imagine the pain of watching him get injured, constantly worrying about his wellbeing. It would drive you mad. You felt so much empathy for him in that moment that you didn't know what to do besides place your hand atop of his. You stayed like that for a moment before he moved his hand to wrap fresh gauze around your injury, encasing your leg. 

"We'll have to take you to the clinic tomorrow for stitches, but a bandage should last overnight." His hands moved diligently, working with a vigor he only reserved for taking care of you. He finished the gauze work and set back on his heels, breathing a sigh of relief as he packed his things back away. He stripped off his gloves and quickly sanitized his hands before running his fingers through his hair, trying to return it to its normal, neat state. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I'm not upset with you. I just can't imagine life without you, darling, and I'm terrified of any experience that makes that even a slight possibility. I love you." He grabbed your now bandaged leg and gently rested his head on it. 

"Harvey," You said his voice softly, causing him to look up. "I understand. We'll figure out what to do about the mines. You're my world, and I can't imagine what you must be feeling, love. I don't want to put you through that. I love you more." Your felt tears silently spilling out of your eyes as you spoke. "Now, let's get to bed. We're obviously both tired."

He nodded his agreement as he stood up, ready to finally fall asleep with you. You tried to stand up, but he quickly stopped you. Instead, he turned you sideways and put your legs on the couch. Harvey reached down and picked you up in his arms bridal style, letting out a loud huff. He wasn't the strongest, so it was few and far between when he carried you like that. He walked you into your bedroom and gently laid you down on the bed. The motion of him carrying you was almost enough to lull you to sleep, but you somehow managed to stay conscious. 

"Now," Harvey said, helping you sit upright. "Let's get you out of these dirty clothes and into some nice pajamas." You nodded, thinking about how wonderful it would be to get into comfier, less bloodstained clothing. You watched your husband walk over to your shared dresser and pull out a pair of your softest pajamas. He walked back over to you and set the pajamas on the bed next to you. He quickly got to work, helping you take off your top and replacing it with your pajama shirt. He quickly did the same with your pants, making sure to be extra careful as he worked around your bandage. You tried your best to help him, but you were so tired he ended up doing most of the work. 

"Thank you, honey." You could barely keep your eyes open as you mumbled the words. You lifted up your head and reached out for a kiss. He gently grabbed your chin with one hand the back of your head with the other as he kissed you. He pulled away and you felt the smile on his lips.

"Always." He whispered. He fluffed your pillow and guided you to lay down on your side. "Now, make sure you keep your injured leg elevated." You nodded sleepily as you watched your husband walk back over to your dresser, carrying your dirty clothes.

He gently placed them in the laundry hamper and turned back to the dresser. He made quick work of removing his tie, which was already mostly loosened. He then set to unbuttoning his shirt. You laid there, barely awake as you watched your husband sleepily undress. In any other context, you would have been more than excited to watch this. However, you felt yourself drifting in and out of sleep and the only thing grounding you to consciousness was watching your devoted husband. He finally got off the shirt and set it in the hamper before quickly taking off his pants. You watched as he quickly pulled out a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt. He got dressed and groggily walked back over to your bed. He lightly tapped your injured leg.

"Up." Harvey said, and you followed his instructions as you lifted limp leg up slightly. Your husband gently placed a pillow in between you legs and helped you lower your leg back down. The cushion felt wonderful and took a lot of pressure off of your painful leg. "Does that feel better, sweetie?"

"Mhmm." You mumbled as you let your eyes close for the night. You felt your husband crawl into the bed behind you and scoot as close as he could. He gently rested an arm around your waist, nuzzling his face into your neck. You felt the tickle of his mustache as he kissed your neck.

"I don't know what I would do without you." 

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