Art gallery

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Describe a visit to an art gallery or museum.

A warm "welcome" greeted my ears as I pushed open the majestic door to the most famous art gallery in Asia. The walls of the lobby had quaint textures, and thick pillars stood tall in the room. The place felt like it was built centuries ago. I went to the counter to buy an entrance ticket and strode into the art gallery.

As soon as I stepped foot inside the room, an overwhelming view flooded my eye receptors. A myriad of mesmerizing masterpieces by famous artists were hung proudly and in a meticulous fashion on the walls. The atmosphere was very relaxing with the freshly conditioned air and the dim lights.

I strolled around the room nonchalantly, glancing at every piece of artwork, which were all framed exquisitely with golden wood. These paintings were old and historical. A painting of a medieval knight caught my attention. He donned a suit of armor, which was intricately drawn, and strokes of silver paint gleamed under the light. The knight was riding a horse, which looked like it would emerge into reality at any time. I checked the description, and sure enough, this was painted centuries ago, in 1420.

Then, I entered another room. Displayed on walls were panoramic drawings of landscapes and nature. They were created with a palette of vibrant colors that were mixed and shaded perfectly. At first sight, I thought they were printed images, not hand-drawn. However, as I scrutinized a painting of a river, I was enthralled and noticed the artist's touch and swipes on the river that created the realistic water current. In another painting, a gigantic tree seemed so lively that I could feel the wind that made the leaves on the foliage sway back and forth brush on my face.

Breaking out of a trance, I proceeded into another room, which was filled with portraits featuring famous people like actors, singers, scientists, historical figures and so on. I immediately recognised most of the faces, which proves its accuracy. The shades and nuances of the facial parts were flawless. Their smiles were so expressive that it radiated a wave of warmth towards me.

As an aspiring artist myself, I was deeply inspired by the skills of the artists that poured out their heart to create these artworks. Eager to see what's in the next room, I pushed open the next door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2021 ⏰

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