First impression of someone

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Impressions of people can change over time. Describe your first impressions of someone you now know well.

An incessant amount of chattering can be heard from every direction in the packed classroom teeming with boisterous energy. Fleeting waves of euphoric hysteria occasionally swept the classroom like a flood as students exchanged names and smiles. It was the first day of middle school, and it felt like I was drowning in a sea of youthful conversations.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a male student seemingly daydreaming in his seat at the edge of the room, which was mostly deserted. There was an invisible force field repelling him from everyone else. Contained inside the force field was a miasma of depression. With lifeless eyes, he even seemed mysterious and peculiar, like he was living in another dimension of reality. A medley of thoughts flushed around in my mind as I conjured up imaginations and questioned the reason for his isolation and loneliness.

I succumbed to the vague yet alluring call of curiosity and pity. Effortlessly, I broke through the force field and sat next to him, trying to strike up a conversation while ignoring people's puzzled gaze. I introduced myself and he responded timidly with his name, Andy. We interacted awkwardly for a while. He stuttered reluctantly and unconfidently although I tried to console him jovially. Gradually though, he became familiar with me and shared his thoughts. I came to the realisation that he was socially inept and emotionally insecure and that people were discriminating against him and giving him the cold shoulder just for that. I was the only person who believed Andy had an ambitious heart which was burning so brightly under the frigid behaviour and a colder society.

I invited Andy to my friend group. He mustered up the energy and ambled to our table with me. I introduced him to my carefree friends and they welcomed him exuberantly. That was the wholesome catalyst of an unlasting friendship. From then on, Andy's monotonous life was recolored and vitalized. After all, the invisible force field was non-existent.

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