Garden in the rain

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A blanket of thick clouds was shroud across the sky, shoving away the beaming smile of the Sun as it was forced to absorb all the luminescence it radiated onto every nuance of the garden. Under the gloomy sky, the once exuberant and lively park was now covered with a miasma of melancholy. I trod down the pathway heavily with fatigue, seeking respite from the fettering trammels of studying coupled with the accumulating negativity from society. My eyes were tearing up.

As if to comfort me, a droplet of rain gave me a weak pat on the back. Soon after, more tears from the sky fell down rhythmically. Dots of moisture on the dry and gravelly path increased. Luxuriant trees and grass were weeping as water dripped from the foliage. The lush green on their surface turned dark as water imbued them.

The rain amplified. From every direction, I could hear an incessant but mellifluous beat as soft raindrops tapped on the solid ground repeatedly. The breezy wind tickled and massaged my cheeks while my earbuds were tingled by its angelic whispers. The pungent scent of petrichor and plant life permeated and wafted through the frigid air. Engulfed in the tranquility and harmony of nature, I stood transfixed as my soul was rejuvenated.

The entire atmosphere was brimming with despair, but it all seemed unfathomably comforting and heavenly. All the negative emotions piling up in my heart evaporated and condensed as tears. The tears flooded my eye sockets and flowed down my already wet face onto the damp grass, converging with a small puddle. Rain continued to pour from above.

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