The Tree

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I relished the moment as the tree provided me with a welcome respite from the fettering trammels of studying. With my back laid against a brown oak and wall-like tree trunk, I stretched out my legs comfortably across the grass.

Devoid of human interference, the garden was brimming with liveliness. The luxuriant greenery of the landscape in front of me flooded my eye and touched every receptor in it. The pungent scent of plant life permeated the air and wafted through my nostrils.

The scintillating sun beamed down and radiated its luminescence onto every inch of the garden, with the exception of the shadows under the tree that covered me like a blanket. These shadows were cast by an umbrella of leaves and branches which loomed over me, providing shade from the scorching heat.

The breezy wind tickled and massaged my face softly while whispering angelically into my ears. The foliage of the tree swayed and rustled as gusts of wind brushed past it. Birds on the tree sang jovially. A mellifluous and harmonious medley of natural music was created, tingling my earbuds and soothing my soul.

The garden was brimming with a miasma of energy and exuberance, but under the shade of the tree, I felt calm and rather drowsy. Engulfed by the tranquility and harmony of nature, I reminisced about my childhood memories in this very garden, under this very tree.

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