Eating Together

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Describe an occasion when a group of people are eating together

"Cheers!" we shouted at the top of our lungs as eight glasses of colorful drinks clashed softly but satisfyingly in the middle of the rectangular table. The various tints of these beverages ranged from a bright dandelion yellow to a rich cocoa brown. Droplets of condensation on the side of the glasses made the drinks glisten heavenly under the overhead lights in the dimly lit restaurant.

It was a gathering. I met up with 7 of my old friends to enjoy a nice dinner and celebrate our reunion. While waiting for our main course anticipatingly and ravenously, we had a wholesome conversation about our differing paths in life. Even though we weren't in contact for several years, there was not a sense of awkwardness at all. Instead, we poured out our emotions and passion with each other spontaneously. I was engulfed in a warm and heartwarming atmosphere and temporarily forgot about my hunger.

A distinct and enticing smell of fried food wafted from the kitchen door and permeated the air. Instantly, our appetite was aroused as our mouths were watering and our stomachs were grumbling. Moments later, a few waiters strode towards our table elegantly with a tray on each hand and placed the dishes delicately on the table.

Each of us ordered a main course and side dishes as well. There was a wide variety of food like fried rice, cheese baked rice, Japanese ramen noodles and more. The plethora of scrumptious food and delightful drinks were laid out exquisitely and columns of piping hot gas rose from them. After we took a group photo with the food, we started eating to our heart's content.

My meal was cheese baked rice with fish. The surface of the bowl was completely covered like a blanket with a layer of cheese. The cheese was very stretchy and it melted into a flavour of satisfaction in my mouth. The rice and fish, which was seemingly submerged in the bath of cheese, was imbued with the delectable saltiness of the cheese.

Two of my friends ordered Japanese ramen noodles. The smooth noodles were engulfed by a bowl of strongly flavoured soup. It was lavishly filled to the brim with many garnishes. The meticulous touch of the chef and a luxurious Japanese style was riveted onto the perfectly cooked noodles.

We gobbled down our food like a pack of starving wolves and occasionally took a savoury sip of our drinks while chatting wholeheartedly with each other. I realised that through the vicissitudes of time, our behaviours and thoughts have undergone a stark change. However one thing will remain forever, and that is our everlasting friendship.

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