-Part forty five-

Start from the beginning

"You watch too much tangled sweetheart" I laugh

"It's not my fault Mia thinks I am rapunzel secretly and watches it like every week" she laughs against my lips

And I grin at her "well then my rapunzel, you won't have to worry about any evil with me in your life now" I say kissing her slowly

"I love you Enzo" she whispers

"I love you Zara...so much" I whisper back

She nuzzles herself on my neck and cuddles very close to me

"Get some sleep sweetheart," I say stroking her hair

"Make sure you sleep to Enzo, please don't think about my parents the whole night...I know you and I don't need or want you thinking about me getting hurt or anything okay? I'm alright and even better now that you're in my life" she says hugging me tightly

"I know sweetheart," I say Lying because there's no damn way I'll be able to sleep a wink when her parents are out there living their damn life acting like the shit they put their daughter through was ok

It wasn't, my girl was fighting every damn day in pain and not having anyone by her side...how am I supposed to sleep thinking about that

I put my hand under her top and on her back and slowly start drawing circles on there

Every damn scar on her beautiful body was made by those pieces of shits

Her body is still beautiful with the scars...but the fact that her parents...her own damn blood did that

Makes me feel sick

"Enzo It's okay...I'm okay stop worrying" she sighs getting out of my grasp and sitting up

I sit up alongside her

"It's not sweetheart non of it is okay, how could someone's parents do that to their own child....mark them, hurt them, make them feel unloved and unimportant," I say feeling my eyes burn

Zara straddles my lap and cups my cheeks

"I know it's not ok, of course non of the shit was ok...but in my time with you, you helped me see my scars differently and put a different memory behind them, you make me feel loved and important and that's all I care about, and I don't even count my parents as my parents they didn't treat me like a daughter" she sighs slowly caressing my cheeks

"But they did that...hurt you and cut you, torture you to the point you're afraid of rain and the dark" I say with a pain filled voice

"Then I guess you will have to help out and put a new memory behind darkness and rain for me, because now when I look at my scars I do in fact see them as me surviving and not only that when I look at them I think back to when your lips were on them making me feel beautiful and loved" she whispers tears flowing down her face, she drops her hands from my cheeks and putting them on her face to hide her tears

"I promise to put new memories behind everything bad in your past...and I did that because you are beautiful and loved sweetheart," I say now cupping her cheeks and wiping the tears

"I don't know how you stayed so happy and sweet and strong after everything but you did because..." I whisper

"You" kiss on the forehead

"Are" kiss on the cheek

"So" kiss on other cheek

"Strong" kiss on lips

"My beautiful Zara" I whisper against her lips

"I don't think you understand how important you are to me Enzo, even you saying something as simple as 'you are strong' just means the world to me coming from you, I love you so much and don't know how to thank you for everything you've done" she whispers tears flowing

"Sweetheart please don't cry" I whisper wiping them

"I can't, you are just so important to me, and from you just hugging me and holding me close you make me feel so safe...I just don't understand how someone's arms could do that, but yours do" she whispers and kisses my jaw

"I don't know what I did to get such an amazing woman like you in my life," I say

"Well whatever you did I'm thankful for it because I don't understand what I would do if I didn't have you and Mia in my life" she smiles

I chuckle "you're so cute" I lightly peck her lips

She starts kissing my jaw

"Zara" I warn

"What" she smiles innocently

"Stop it or else we won't get any sleep at all" I warn

"Like we were gonna get any sleep anyway" she laughs continuing kissing my jaw down to my neck

I flip her around so I'm under her

"Stay quiet" I whisper


Hope you liked this chapter! I have like 6 chapters left to write I believe!!

I know I know robbed again...but like I said I'm not comfortable writing smut so I'm sorry...like I freaked out when I wrote "stay quiet"😐i know I know laugh all you want besties

Y'all can imagine the smut or write it in the comments or something because my fingers are not allowing me to write it

Vote and comment

Hello, my lovelies! Don't forget to treat yourselves from time to time! Show your appreciation and love for yourself! You have been and have gone through so much, make sure you appreciate yourself for never giving up♡︎

I love you.

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