27;; Clinging, hanging, wishing

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27;; Clinging, hanging, wishing

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The second week of the summer holidays had gone faster than the first if that was even possible, and to be honest, Riki felt even more upset than last time as it meant Konon and Yoo Mi would have to leave.

After he was interrupted in the bathroom, he couldn't help but wonder and wonder if Jake had caught his words or if he was too quiet to be audible even before Konon called them down for breakfast. But since Yoo Mi had made them pancakes as her gift for them letting her stay over, he couldn't really complain or worry anymore.

He liked this summer more than he thought he would – everyone getting along so perfectly it almost made his heart burst in his chest at how Jake tried to be extra polite to his sister and her best friend.

Eventually, the delicious stack of freshly made pancakes had disappeared from his plate and left him to think all over again, but he tried his best to find some sort of distraction – any distraction at all. Something that wasn't Jake or matchmaking.

"How do you even make something so nice, Yoo Mi?" Konon nudged at the older female's shoulder, shrugging as she took a sip of her iced water, "I'm surprised you don't make these more often."

"Mm, I guess they're okay," Yoo Mi shrugged and took another bite of her pancakes, "I've made better – they're just so hard to perfect, Jamy makes them way better trust me." She suddenly gushes, making large gestures before jugging down the rest of her water.

"You've made better?" The whole table exclaims in unison, Yoo Mi nodding slowly as she sets down her cup, the whole table still silent.

"Yeah – you think this is good?"

"Yeah..." Riki mumbled, fiddling around with his fork, "I thought Jay made good pancakes, but this is like some next-level stuff,"

"Oh, thank you," Yoo Mi grinned at the younger's flattery, Konon sniggering to herself at how happy she was over to small comment, "and because you said that I'll wash the plates today," she smiles foolishly as she draws her chair out.

But of course, Jake did the dishes before she could even ask.

It was funny how even if Jake held up this act, he always tried to act like this whenever he stayed over even if it would be for weeks at a time. But more than that, he was glad that Jake could be more authentic and relaxed around him. He obviously helped him do these dishes since of course, he wanted to get some of that good karma, but also to make sure Jake knew he didn't have to care of the house all alone.

Whenever Yoo Mi and Konon went out, they could finally rest in their mess of blankets and pillows and do a quick tidy up with a meal that Jay had prepared for them for occasions like this. He threatened to gently break Riki's arms if he even touched Jay's meal before Yoo Mi and Konon came home.

Riki never found any of his empty threats scary – of course not – but always left the food alone and instead fell asleep with Jake on the couch, clinging on tightly to him which he didn't realise until Konon showed him the picture she had snapped when they came home and found them cuddling.

And just as he'd feared, Konon exploited the heck out of that photo and of course, Riki couldn't stop her. It was all jokes though; she usually did stuff like this even before the matchmaking the matchmaker things happened.

Konon made it up though when she drove them around the block and brought home snacks (mostly ice cream) which they all stayed up and ate, watching the stars just as he and Jake once did. They even went stargazing outside and laughed at Jake who tried to take his telescope outside and then back inside.

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