18;; Want or need

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18;; Want or need

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Riki smiled when he felt the cool breeze against his hot skin, racing out of class and back home. A silly grin fits perfectly onto his face when he manages to slip past the hustle and bustle of the school crowds that brim up until your pressed up against the walls. However, Riki was quite experienced in the field of dogging past people and getting the most efficient way out of school.

He waved over at his friend, the childish smile forcing Sunoo to respond with a wave, "Hey, you waved for once," Riki chuckles when he had caught up with Sunoo, the older of the duo shrugged in response.

"You seem much happier," Sunoo hums as they walk, "Did you finally make up with Jake?" He nods nonchalantly and shoves his hands into his pocket.

"Of course, I would," Riki fiddles with his blonde hair, remembering the time Jake had brought him to the beach to play football only for that to slip out of him – but he didn't regret it. In fact, he was proud of himself for finally getting the courage to say it.

But of course, Riki wasn't going to tell Sunoo that.

Not now or anytime soon at least.

"Jake's my one and only best friend – he will always be my best friend," He glances to the side, a faint blush coating his cheeks when he realised he was twiddling with the necklace and almost immediately tucked it back into his shirt.

"Aw, okay..." Sunoo huffed and pouted slightly, glancing over at Riki, "I really thought I had a shot of being your best friend, but I guess not," he huffs again.

"What? Really?" Riki scoffs, almost taking Sunoo's disappointment as some kind of joke (which it really was.)

"Yeah," He reinforces and nods, "Who else could be my best friend? Yeah sure Jay or something but not really," he chuckles and adjusts his hold on his large mint lever arch folder.

"Oh, I always thought it was still Sunghoon because you guys used to be best friends, even though Sunghoon was weirdly shy about it," Riki paused and pursed his lips before giggling, "Maybe I should've realised that he had a crush on you then," he watches as Sunoo blushes subconsciously at the mention of Sunghoon's crush.

"Oh yeah, that was really weird," They both let a chuckle filter in as they calmly make there way home, "Aren't you supposed to go home with Jake today? Does he have practice today?" He nods.

"Yeah it's extra, said he didn't play well enough in the semi-finals," He doesn't know why he can't help but fiddle around with every little thing in his blazer pocket when he mentions the semi-finals, Sunoo brushing off the statement with an inconspicuous nod.

He glances over at Riki, eyes staying on him for a quick moment, "You never told me why you were so upset at the semi-finals," he hums.

"And don't tell me you weren't upset – I know you were upset," he quickly adds when Riki opens his mouth to speak.

"Oh, it was nothing... I- it's not important," he mutters, hand flying over to rub his nape when he looks down at the pavement. He wouldn't and couldn't tell Sunoo why he was so upset because he didn't want to admit to it – if he did then well... He actually had no idea what he would say.

"Hmm, okay then," Sunoo seems to let him off the hook faster than he'd expect, letting out a sigh of relief under his breath, "At least you guys are fine now so it's way probably nothing big," he shrugs.

Yeah, I wish it was nothing big. Riki nods with a simple smile he manged to muster after the thought ran through his head. He cringed, wishing he'd never said such a thing even if it was just to himself.

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