08;; Test waters

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08;; Test waters 

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Jake wasn't the only one who got a glow up.

Riki had also arranged for Minsong to get a makeover from his sister, and of course, one for himself but he attempted to cover his new look from his friends since he wasn't quite sure what to say when they asked him about it. Most people were already fawning over the two boys and now the mobs only increased but none of them would dare ask to be matchmaked to them since their crush would be inevitably revealed.

That logic began making Riki wonder how Minsong got the brilliant idea of just texting him – well, now that he said it, it didn't sound very clever, "I don't understand why we agreed on going to a restaurant instead of a froyo shop, but it is what it is," Riki shakes his head, swinging open the door to some random barbeque shop Sunghoon was dying to go to.

"Don't you like barbeque?" Jake tilts his head. Riki shrugs his shoulders as they search for a table, the two of them arriving first, "You know they sell bungeoppang," He slips in, the youngers eyes widening in shock.

"What- Really?" Riki takes a seat beside Jake on the five-seater table, eyes still wide with excitement, "and you didn't think of telling me?"

"Well, I thought you already knew."

Riki scoots the pre-made lemonade on the table and takes a small sip, "Did you see Minsong today?" He raises his eyebrow and nudges at Jake's side.

"Yeah, and what about it – don't I see him every day?" Jake brushes off, twiddling the straw of his tall glass of lemonade. Riki raises both his eyebrows suggestively which forces Jake to elaborate, "Okay fine, he looked really nice today and yeah, I did notice his makeover, thanks for pointing out the obvious."

Riki chuckles, "You're just embarrassed to talk about Minsong – aren't you?"

"I'm not embarrassed; you're just embarrassing." Jake pushes his beverage away as he glares at Riki, the younger of the duo still laughing at the situation.

"Isn't that what best friends do?" He rests his head on the cusp of his palm, a half-grin playing on his lips.

"Oh really?" Jake cocks his eyebrow at the question, "Well then, why didn't you tell me about your own makeover?"

"Wh-what are you talking about? I never got a makeover," Riki shook of dismissively and gave him a side-eye.

"Are you sure?" Jake muttered after the barista took their orders, "Because your hair is clearly curlier than yesterday – and every other day." He smiles meekly.

"Oh, is it?" His voice turns higher as he tilts his head in confusion, Jake shaking his head as he chortles, "But thanks for noticing my looks – were you checking me out?" He teases.

"So, I guess I was right after all," He wraps his fingers around the cold glass, Riki only just realising that he had confirmed the olders suspicions. He groans in annoyance, but his silly smile says otherwise, "Who are you trying to impress – are you secretly.. matchmaking yourself with someone?" The question seems to lose its smoothness which causes Riki's embarrassment to fade into laughter.

"Wow because matchmaking yourself is clearly not just trying to get your crush to like you," Riki shakes his head, "And no, I do not have a crush – can't a boy just look pretty for himself?"

"True," Jake takes a sip of his lemonade, the sour drink making him squint, "but you have to admit – it does seem out of the blue," the younger shrugs.

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