Chapter 9: Carfron

Start from the beginning

Albína gives me a squeeze. "You're thinking too much. It's scary having a stranger suddenly appear, but you've been through worse. This will all work out, and you'll understand."

"No, you don't understand. I know things about him that I couldn't possibly know."

"Like the page?" she asks. "That's nothing to worry about."

"Carfron, would you please come here," I yell through the open door. He obliges, and soon he's leaning on the wall on my other side. "Can you give me something to say in Naga-Nuru?"

I turn to Albína. "And then say something back, and I'll have him translate it."

She shakes her head. "What will that prove?"

"That there's more to this. I don't know! I'm really scared and totally freaked out. Maybe I'm crazy, or maybe he is Carfron, or a demon, or something worse. I don't understand this, but how would I know Naga-Nuru?'

I look down at my shaking hands. I try to make them stop, but can't. The blood leaves my fingers, and a firey tingle travels up my arms.

"The Orb has psychic abilities," she says. "It could read anyone's thoughts in Cromsmead in order to pick up the language. It wouldn't be hard at all."

"Jonah said the same thing. I want to believe you, but it's not that simple."

"Has Carfron threatened you or tried to hurt you?"

"No," I say quickly. "No, he's polite, and he smiles a lot. We haven't spoken much, but he seems agreeable, except when someone else tries to talk to or approach him."

"You need to fly," Carfron says.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"You need to fly."

"But why?"

"You need to fly."

"I got that. I need to fly. Where do I need to fly to?"

"You need to fly."

"What's going on. Where are you going?" Albína asks with fear in her voice.

"Nowhere. My flying days are over," I answer.

"You need to fly."

"Does he want you to fly?" she asks.

"Yes. He just keeps repeating himself, and he won't tell me anything else."

"You need to inform Master Sarpedon and Jonah," she says.

"You go. I want to be alone with Carfron. I'm not interested in a replacement for Lenox. Make sure they know I'm not flying anywhere."

It takes some convincing, but she eventually gives up and leaves to find Jonah. I go back in and flop on my bed. Carfron respects my wishes and sits on the sofa.

"Do you have to be here? Can you leave for a while and give me some time to process this?"

"No." He's not mad or apologetic, just factual. He's like that android on that television show. He's pleasant but robotic, almost as if he's been programmed with responses.

"Well, I have to pee. So what's the plan for that?"

He stands.

I jump out of bed. "I'm not going to the bathroom in front of you. I don't care if you're imaginary or not."

Carfron's staring at me. I make a run for it. There's no lock. I turn and push my weight against the door. I stifle a scream when he's already in the room. I'm defeated. I know from experience I can't battle my brain.

"Okay, in the tub," I order.

He steps in without argument, and I close the curtain. It's like a public restroom, I tell myself. When I'm done, I leave without a word to him, but he follows me.

"Carfron, I haven't eaten all day. Can I get you anything?" I ask, accepting my new friend. Maybe it might be nice having a roommate. I also want him to eat. Prove he's real, or not real, or something. I don't know.

"I have my own," he says with a grin and pulls a muffin from his pocket.

"Well, that's surprising," I say. I pull the wall ribbon and wait on my bed until the food arrives.

"Do you want company?" Albína asks when she returns and sees the food cart.

I laugh so suddenly I snort, which makes her laugh. "I'm good. I'll just have some dinner with Carfron. Maybe he'll tell me why he's here."

"You have to fly," Carfron says.

"I have bad news for you," she says. "You're getting a new flying mount."

Anger rushes to my head, but I crush it quickly because Albína looks like she might cry. I guess she and Lenox had gotten closer than I realized.

"It's fine. It was inevitable. They're going to make me fly wherever Carfron desires. It would've been nice to get more time, but whatever."

She sets the table and chatters away about some of the maids on the lower floor. I'm trying to memorize the details because Trelix enjoys the gossip. If I can get the names right, he'll be thrilled.

When she's done with her story, not the setting of the table, that was done ten minutes ago, she asks me if I need anything else. When I tell her I'm good, she gives the room a worried glance that lets me know she doesn't like Carfron either. Then she leaves without another word.

I sit at the table with Carfron across from me. I eat in silence and try not to stare at him while he eats his imaginary muffin. We don't talk, and when I finish, I go to my office and open the first book I grab. It's a textbook on weapon maintenance. I slam it shut.

"You may need to know that," he says, following me out of the office.

I ignore him and leave my room. I have to get some help with this.

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