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Donna is my cousin and Tati's bitch was playing with her.

- Tati shut up, you will end up badly.

- Shut up bitch.

Tati came down and Donna walked over to her.

- Don't talk to my cousin if you don't want a fight, bitch.

Tati hit me and then I hit her, grabbed her hair, and Alex pulled for me to release her.

- I'm not letting go of this bitch.

- Let go of my cousin, bitch - Donna yelled.

Donna's boyfriend Alex, I separated from Tatiana, and she was taken upstairs.

- Fuck you bitch, don't fuck my cousin again.

- Don't try to screw me why you ended up worse.

They took her upstairs and gave me ice to make my cheek redden a little.

- That bitch asked me, I'm not going to put up with being screwed.

Tati ran down and grabbed my hair, pulled it, they grabbed her and ran towards her, I got over the shoulder of the security guard to hit Tati's bitch.

- You hit behind. Bitch hits head-on. - shout.

- __ tranquila, esa perra tendra su merecido. - I said Donna.

- Stay with Donna. I'm going for ice. - Alex said.

Alex tried to get along with me because I am Donna's family, and because I am important to Donna, just as she is important to me.

Alex came back with the ice.

- Thanks. - This time I put it on my lip.

- Tatiana, don't fuck around anymore. - Sky yelled.

Sky was my best friend, I loved her, she was the best woman I ever knew, she was always the most loyal.

- Shut! - Tati yelled.

- Bitch, don't talk to her like that, because we'll see each other's faces again. - shout.

Sky was downstairs and Tatiana was upstairs, on the stairs.

- I'm going to throw this bitch down the stairs. - I told Alex. Donna was in the kitchen and again she was throwing things at Tati.

Alex started laughing at what I said and I laughed right next to him.

- It's true. - I said. - Shut up you fucking bitch! - I yelled at Tatiana.

Tatiana went to her room and I stayed with Donna and Alex.

Tatiana went to her room and I stayed with Donna and Alex

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