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I was watching how Ceaser fought with my brother Puma, and I went in quickly, when they separated I threw myself towards Ceaser.

- Don't touch my brother, you fag bitch. - I yelled as they grabbed me.

- Puma and I left the outside of the premises.

- Are you OK? - I asked for.

- Yeah, I didn't want you to come and see this shit.

- Why they fought ... You know better not tell me.

I had problems with Ceaser he and I were a couple but he left with "Miss Kitty"

I hated that bitch, and Ceaser had some love for it but with my family no one messes.

Puma left and entered the premises, with even some guards around us.

- Fucking fag. Don't ever touch my brother again. - I said from the door.

- Shut up, bitch.

I grabbed a glass of water and he threw the glass away.

- Fuck you! - yelled taking your fingers out of the way.

- What's happening? You're mad at where Kitty is.

I approached him and hit him and he was going to do the same but they grabbed us again.

- Fuck that bitch, together go to hell.

I was trying to let go and I couldn't. Shit I wanted to hit him.

I went to the place and then Ceaser came. I was with Puma, they apologized to each other and the fag didn't tell me anything.

- What about me? I dont exist.

- You hit me first.

- Because you started with my brother.

He sat next to Kitty and I glared at him, that he ever looked at me.

I knew that he had not forgotten me yet, I am difficult to forget, and even more so being together every day and in New York.

- Little sister, thanks for being there. But you shouldn't.

- Anything for you brother.

My brother and I hugged, I was happy to see him again.

The welcome back was not the best but it ended well.

The welcome back was not the best but it ended well

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VH1 BLACK INK CREW NYC - ONE SHOT Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora