Betrayal and the Target

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Erza's P.O.V

Target's name is Max Alors. Brownish blonde hair, dark eyes.

I'm doing this mission with my partner Mickey. For some odd reason she wants me to snipe her target. She chose the job, she gets to take down the target.

We're in an abandoned building across from the target, all of the weapons have silencers so we won't raise suspicion.

"Alright Mickey, firing in 3. 2. And, 1."



There was a stinging pain in my right shoulder.

"Mickey what the hell?!" I screamed towards her as I clutched my shoulder

She was holding a pistol with a silencer. She had just shot me in the arm.

"I got permission from boss Jose to take you out of the organization, Permanently!" She laughed

"Are you saying, the organization has betrayed me?!" I yelled

"Boss Jose said that would be the last failure you make, so I have the authority to make it your last failure forever!" She cackled like an old witch

I have to get out of here, she shot a vital and it's bleeding a lot.

I picked up an extra pistol and shot towards her.

"Damn you Mickey, you and the organization will pay for this!" I shouted as I shot at random.

My vision was becoming blurry, and it was getting hard to keep my balance.

I ran out of the abandoned building and into the street. If Mickey is smart she won't even dare to try to strike me with so many witnesses around.

It was becoming dark, and harder to hear. I could still feel the blood rushing out of my arm, but I couldn't feel my wounded arm anymore.

I laughed as I struggled to walk any longer on the sidewalk.

I guess this is where my life ends.

I landed with a thud on the ground.

I heard something fall, and a splash.

My grip on my arm was starting to loosen

"Hey, are you..." I heard a male voice fade.

What fool would help a stranger in the middle of the sidewalk

My view from the ground was becoming farther

I guess this fool is actually helping me.

He cautiously turned me around, and I could see parts of his face.

The surroundings were black but I could see blue, and a small red area.

Then everything went dark.


I awoke inside of a bright, white room.

What the hell is this? A hospital?

How the hell did I get here anyway?

I felt fairly dizzy, and my arm hurt a bit.

I checked my arm and noticed it was bandaged.

There were muffled voices beside my door.

The door opened revealing a woman in a white coat, with purple hair, and glasses.

"Hey there, are you feeling okay?" The woman, I assume is a doctor asked.

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