The Assignment

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Erza's P.O.V.

I'm Erza Scarlet, an assassin; one of the best in Fiore.

I'm sitting on the roof a building across from my target.

I placed a stick of gum in my mouth as I polished my sniper.

This was going to be a fast and easy job, he doesn't seem to complicated.

Target is Jellal Fernandes. Male. Blue hair, brown eyes, and a strange red tattoo on his right eye. He's around 18-19, my age, and goes to Fiore's top college, Fairy Tail.

I positioned my sniper on the roof and aimed at an apartment window on the 3rd floor.

Target lives in an apartment on 23 baker street. 310b is the room.

What a naive fool. He left the curtain to his window open; practically begging to get shot in the head.

Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt.

Somebody's calling me.

"This is Scarlet." I answered in an irritated voice.

Who would dare call me while I'm out on a job.

"Scarlet, when you finish your job, we need you to go on a job with Mickey." My boss, Jose, told me.

"Yes sir." I replied

And also, be sure the target doesn't see you. If they do abort the mission and be sure to try again at a later date." He reminded me

"Of course sir." I replied in a strong voice.

Beep, beep, beep.

I put my smart phone away and thought about my next job. A job with Mickey is the worse thing you could get at the Phantom Lord Organization. She was unskilled with the assigned weapons, and seems to fail every job she's taken. If she succeeds a job, it's in a sloppy manner that embarrasses the organization.

I calmed down and took aim with the sniper again. The target was in his bedroom, still in view.

My finger placed on the trigger.

Firing in 3.



I froze.

He was looking at me.

I pulled my view away from the scope and stared at him.

No, maybe he was just looking out the window.

He walked closer to the window, and smiled.

He see's me!

Damn it, I have to abort.

I quickly packed the sniper and made my way to headquarters.

You'll pay for this Jellal Fernandes.

I was going to make your death short and painless. But making me fail a mission is horrific and now you shall die a slow and painful death.


I made it back to headquarters in a foul mood.

"Hey Erza, you ready to start the job?" Mickey asked in a cheerful attitude.

I sent a glare towards her, letting her know I'm not in the mood for being happy.

She flinched, but fixed her posture after I grabbed a few weapons to carry out the next mission.

Once we finish this, Jellal Fernandes will die.


Hey everyone.

Just let me apologize.

I am so so so sorry that this chapter was so short.

I just wanted to get the ball rolling (story started)

The next chapter will be in Jellal's point of view.

I have no idea how long it will be, so keep in mind the next chapter may be short too.

But I will try my absolute best to make all the other chapters at least 1300 words for the story!

Feel free to comment what you think

Thanks for reading this~

I hope you enjoyed and have a fabulous day.

Media is a picture of Mickey of Fairy Tail of you've never seen her. (I'm sorry if it's blurry.)



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