After this, he is making sure never to end up pregnant again.

Once they reached the doctor and parked the car, Ender stepped out, making his way to the building's door because he was ready to get this over with.

Nevan locked the car doors, catching up to Ender as he opened the door for him. When they entered, they signed in before taking a seat in the waiting room.

Ender leaned his head on Nevan, "After this, I want a big meal and a warm, soothing bath."

"Would you like a massage too? And I can get you some comfortable pillows to lay on with stuffed animals to hold." Nevan asked.

Ender grabbed Nevan's hand, squeezing it, "I am fine with anything as long as food and comfort are involved."

"Well, I will spoil you for the rest of the day."

Ender kissed him, smiling as Nevan always made him feel better. There were three words he wanted to say, resting on the tip of his tongue. But he swallowed them down.

He will speak those words to Nevan another time.

"Long, Ender!"

"I guess it is time to get this over with," Ender spoke as Nevan helped him up.

When they left the doctor, Ender felt lightheaded due to the drink they gave him and having his blood taken more than once. He rested his head on the car window, closing his eyes to ignore how dizzy he felt.

"What do you want to eat?" Nevan asked as he looked at the food places.

"Get me anything. I don't care."

Nevan stopped at a burger place, ordering a big meal for Ender while getting himself a drink. Once he paid and got the food and drinks, Nevan handed the bag to Ender.

Ender felt his energy renewed when he smelt the delicious food as he quickly took out a burger and started eating it. The food also helped with easing his lightheaded feeling.

They drove home as Ender already went for the large fries and nuggets in the bag. He would stop in the middle of his eating to sip his drink before going back.

Once they reached the house, Ender felt better and recharged. They got out and entered their home.

Ender set the remaining food on the table in the living room while Nevan held the drinks. When Ender took a seat on the couch, Nevan asked, "Do you want me to start the bath?"


Nevan walked out as Ender grabbed the remote and his drink, turning on the TV. He watched whatever was on as he thought about something that had been on his mind.

Nevan had some of his things at Ender's home since he lived here for a few months. Most of Nevan's stuff is still at his (Nevan) house. Ender wants to ask Nevan to move in with him, but he has been holding back, feeling too shy to do it.

Ender rubbed his stomach; why is asking someone to live with you such a difficult thing to do? Maybe he asked his mother for help, but then his mother would probably be pleased and give him over-the-top advice.

Denial is the Way : Pregnancy  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now