1. Am I your child or just a charity ward?

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Hi everyone,

no one died during the movie endgame in this fanfiction, and Steve didn't go back to Peggy.
Some backstory, the main character (you) is Tony Stark's eldest daughter. You came into his life when you were two years old, and he pawned you off on everyone else from the start. Still too busy with his womanizing and technological advancement.

You disappeared during the blip, and you found out that at first, Tony didn't want to risk everything he had to fix things. Even if it meant letting you go.
You're friends with all the avengers. Natasha and Steve became the family you lacked, which meant meeting Bucky as the Winter Soldier. Who quickly became your best friend:

Please enjoy 😊.

The rain pelted against the windshield of the car hard. You sat in your car in the avengers parking lot, urging yourself to go upstairs. Your feet refused to move, gluing you to your seat. You wanted to see your friends, but upon seeing the E-Tron GT parked in the front, you suddenly doubted your original plan.

After what felt like hours, you finally moved, turning the engine to my red Toyota Supra off. Your feet carried you on autopilot through the facility until you were standing at the door to the standard room. As usual, it was chaos at the compound. Nat, Steve, Bucky and Sam were sitting at the table, playing some type of card game. Clint was napping on the couch while Thor tried his best to be quiet, using a Crayola marker to draw a fake mustache under Clint's nose.

Seeing the 6 of them was almost perfect. It was just overshadowed by the presence of Tony Stark and his obnoxious ramblings to his friend, Bruce. Taking a deep breath, you crossed the room, going straight to the table where your closest friends were playing cards.

You were sliding into the seat next to Natasha, a smile forming on your face. "Hey," you softly spoke, trying your best to avoid the attention of Mr. Stark. When her eyes fell on you, a surprised expression appeared on her face.

"You came!" Just like that, it was like the game had been forgotten about. She quickly wrapped you in a hug, almost scared that she was hallucinating your presence. "But wait, your dad-"

"Doesn't matter," you snuck a glance towards Dr. Banner and Tony. Even now that you were talking, it was like you were invisible. "He doesn't notice anyway."

"Sweetheart," her tone was sympathetic, but it didn't matter. You had the rest of the avengers, and like before, they were all you needed. "Join the game."
Turning towards the guys, Narrowing your (y/e/c) eyes. "Whatcha playing?" You knew it was a stupid question when you saw the chips littering the table.

"Poker," Sam offered up with a smile at your

"Ha-ha," you laughed sarcastically, sticking your tongue out blowing a raspberry at the older man.

"I'm okay with watching."

"You sure Y/n?"

"I'm sure, I don't need to get my ass kicked by Buckaroo again," you laughed, remembering the last time you played against Bucky. $5000 later, you finally admitted defeat and one of the previous conversations with your father.

"Finally making an adult decision, are we?" Your skin ran cold at the sound of your fathers' voice. Instead of turning around, you kept facing Bucky. (Y/e/c) eyes were staring into a set of steel-blue eyes, hoping that eventually, he would walk away. Everyone in the room understood that you and your father didn't get along. Especially when all he seemed to care about during the blimp was Morgan and Pepper. If it weren't for the others, you weren't sure if you would even be sitting here.

"Just leave it Tony," You could hear the caution in Steve's voice as he tried to take control of the situation. The sound of Tony taking an inhale of breath almost made you cringe, preparing for his spew of insensitive comments.

It never came. The sound of F.R.I.D.A.Y announcing the arrival of your stepmother and little sister, saving you from your father's verbal lashings. The laughter that came from you was utterly involuntary. Turning to watch the man walk away isn't surprising. It was all he seemed to do when it came to you.
Everyone's eyes were on you as you watched Tony interact with his family. Laughter coming from the little girl wrapped in his arms, a reminder that you weren't the family he wanted. Tony was a different man when it came to Morgan. He cared about her. You loved that Morgan got better than you got, but it said everything Tony didn't have to. You couldn't look away, tears springing to your eyes.

Almost knowing that you were going to fall apart, Sam cracked a joke breaking your focus. Forcing you to look at the group you were sitting with. "You okay, doll?"

Bucky was worried, and that was written across his face. Bucky wasn't one to get close to people quickly. When we came back after the blimp, he was one of the only people who understood what it was like drowning because life passed by, even if you didn't. He cared for you more than most people did, and you appreciated that.

"I think I'm gonna go lay down," you mumble, suddenly feeling a headache coming on.

"You just got here!" Steve whined, throwing his arms up like a child.

"I'm sorry," you hated letting them down, but hearing and seeing the family that you were supposed to be a part of talk like you didn't exist killed your mood. No longer wishing to socialize, you made a quick exit heading straight for your room on the furthest side of the compound.


Thank you for reading, more to come.

Tell me that I'm all you want | Bucky Barnes fan fictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz