Character Profile: Type-Andromeda

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"Name": (Y/N) (L/N)

Class: Master (Official), Foreigner (Unofficial)

Known Aliases: Master, Senpai, Foreigner, Menace to Society, The Strongest, The Nightmare Walker, The Sun's Consort, Nothing.

Gender: Whichever he feels like being (Prefers male) / None 

Pronouns: I'm/Him.

Species: Human (Self-Proclaimed) / None

Origin: Nowhere, Never, Nothing.

Alignment: Whenever he asks "Wouldn't it be funny if...?", adjust the alignment based on the intrusive thought. 

Voice Actor(s):
Male Form:
Nobuhiko Okamoto (Accelerator)(JP), Austin Tindle (Accelerator) (ENG)
Female Form: Haruka Tomatsu (Ginko Sakata)(JP), Amanda Lee (Jingliu)(ENG)
Shinketsu: Yuko Kaida (Tsukuyo)(JP), Hellena Taylor (Bayonetta)(ENG)


Strength: N/A
Endurance: N/A
Agility: N/A
Mana: N/A
Luck: N/A

Mana Circuits: N/A
Circuit Quality: N/A

Possessing parameters implies a possibility of defeat. He doesn't need any of these.


Vulgar, yet elegant. Selfish, yet generous. Ruthless, yet benevolent. Passionate, yet serene. Silly, yet wise. Imperfect, yet absolute.

The friendly, omnipotent big brother who can do anything is here!

A paradoxical young man who travels across the infinite worlds in search of adventures. Unpredictable in every way, he doesn't operate on logic, common sense, or any laws of reality. He merely indulges his whims and satisfies his curiosity. He's always seen wearing his very sentient suit, his partner and Noble Phantasm, Kamui Shinketsu.

He wants everyone to have a good time, so he never stops smiling, constantly makes jokes, and runs around looking for the next fun thing to do, especially if he gets to annoy people for a laugh. 

Nobody knows what goes through his mind at each passing moment. For the sake of everyone, it should remain unknown.

From the Outside, he watches until the end of time, going where the stories take him.


Jester's Charisma - EX
The most powerful weapon in (Y/N)'s powerset is the fact that he doesn't take anyone or anything remotely seriously and is unafraid of letting them know it.

His charisma, fearlessness, and hilarious antics are a powerful influence on the battlefield, converting something like "an utterly hopeless endeavor" into "a goofy quarrel full of fun and laughter".

Eldritch Art: Speed Demon - EX
Two things about (Y/N): He's an unhinged menace who can't sit still, and he's goddamn omnipresent. These two facts spell utter terror for both allies and enemies.

He doesn't adhere to any combat strategy, nor he's willing to wait for the enemy's next move. He takes the initiative and brutally chases down the opposition at the speed of light. They have two options: Either to level up or watch him speedrun their life expectancy down to a few moments.

Anything Goes - EX
He's skilled at literally everything and can adapt to every style he sees with just a look. However, he dislikes sticking to a single style, so he just makes it up as he goes to keep the fight entertaining, making him very unpredictable.

Fate/Outer Code: Another OrderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt