Chapter 32- Game Over

Start from the beginning


He merged with two of them and they were destroyed. Gwen and I fought them and I used my magic to stun them. "This isn't a challenge. It's a slaughter-fest," He said. "Yeah. Real tough when you can control the whole game world as Upgrade," She said. "Jealous? Sayonara, suckers. Oh, yeah! You've been Sumo Slammed. Ben's the best. Forget the rest," Ben said.


"OK, since you control everything, how about getting us out of here before you..." Gwen was cut off when the Omnitrix timed out. "You are such a dweeb. Now what are we going to do?" "Yeah. I don't know if I can even teleport us out of here," I said. "Don't worry, princess. We'll just hang out until the watch lets me go Upgrade again. No problem. OK, maybe a little problem."


"What happened to all the hero icons?" I asked. "That's great. How long are we going to last in here without up..." She was cut off again by Ben. "Don't blow a brain gasket. Paige and I have played this game, like, a million times. Nothing could surprise us," He said. Then a giant chest landed on him and took one of his lives. "Ben!" Gwen and I yelled. "I definitely don't want to do that again," He said.


"The three of us are each down to our last life. Something tells me next time we get blasted apart, it'll be for keeps," Gwen said. "Which means we have to find a way out of the game and fast!" I said. "You're right, Princess. Come on!" Ben said as he grabbed my hand and the three of us ran for safety. More Robo Sumos stalked us but Ben, Gwen and I destroyed them before we could lose our last life.


When Ben got knocked down, I tried to use my magic to help him but it wouldn't work. "Well this is just great!" I said, frustratingly. "What's wrong, princess?" He asked. "My magic isn't working!" "That can't be good," Gwen said. I shook my head and tried to figure out what to do without it. "Oh, man. There are too many. We need to find an... Akeni Trunk!" I said as Ben grabbed my hand and we ran to get it.


"Dibs on the Samurai Sumo Sword," He said as he grabbed the coin and a sword appeared. "Wait a minute, Paige! You have Orcrist, the sword that Thorin Oakenshield gave you! And you have your grandmother's bow and arrows," Gwen reminded me. I shed a tear as I remembered Thorin Oakenshield. He was so special to me and I loved him dearly. Sadly his life was stolen by Azog the Defiler. I swore after he died that I would avenge him and his nephews Fili and Kili.


I did just that after I killed the Orc filth know as Azog the Defiler. I was brought out of my daydream when I felt Ben grab my hand and smile warmly at me. We jumped down and started destroying the Robo Sumos one by one. "How did you learn how to do that?" Ben asked his cousin after she destroyed many Robo Sumos. "I read the instructions," Gwen said, matter of factly. "This game came with instructions?" Ben asked.


Suddenly, Gwen gasped as she realized something. "The Dojo. We can use it to get to the next level," She said. "I knew that." Then the three of us stood on the yellow circle and it began to rise. "OK, Mr. Sumo Slammer Samurai, what's the plan?" She asked. "Keep moving and stay alive. Princess, stay close to me," He said. Then we ran away from the different robots that came after us.

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