Valerie Andilet~ original!

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Name: Valerie

Last name: Andilet

Nicknames: Val, Valy

Age: 15-20 depending on the role play!

Birthday: February 18th

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Gender: Female

Face claim:

Looks(in more details, as there are a couple differences in how she looks): Her eyes are small, and very sharp looking

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Looks(in more details, as there are a couple differences in how she looks): Her eyes are small, and very sharp looking. The grey color is electric, metallic, and shiny.

Her gaze is always a bit intimidating, until she smiles. She has got a charming, charming smile. It's as innocent as a puppy dog's. Her teeth are large, and bright, and are always prominent with her grins. They are full faced, and light up her demeanor and make her appear very friendly. Her dimples help.

Her skin is pale in winter, but tans quite handsomely in the summer time.
It is also covered, and I mean covered, in freckles. Her face is dotted with little brown spots, which cross the bridge of her up- pointed nose. Usually she gets acne on her right cheek the most, as well as on her forehead.

Valerie's build is slim. Her waist is thin, and she has little to no muscle on her stomach. No abs, sadly, though she does have some rather fit arms. She isn't the most tall, coming in around average height at 5'6.

Style: Description: valerie has always been someone who enjoys vibrancy. She has always had an affinity for color, and uses it in every way she can. Most days, her piercing grey eyes are adorned with eyeshadow in beautiful colors. She views herself, as simply a canvas on which to paint. Her frame is slim, and Her chest is average, though she never was one to complain about that. Her pale face is angular, and there is a small scar running up from her lip to her eyebrow. It effects the hair, and thus her left brow has a jagged line through it. She had a nose ring, as well as a few in her left ear. Usually she wears black jewelry, because she feels like it pops the most against her fair skin. Her sense of style is rather diverse. She loves combat boots, and camo pants, but she also loves black mesh shirt with a colorful long sleeved shirt underneath. It depends on the day, really. But, she has a certain way of not appearing childish. One would think she would seem kid like with all the bright colors, however she usually balances them out with dark colors for contrast. Which, mixed with her generally mature vibe, makes her appear vivid, but not childish.

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