Evangeline Davila~ Marauders era!

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"The bite of the snake can be just as deadly, as that of a lion."

First name: Evangeline~ meaning bearer of good news

Last name: Davila~ meaning from the village

Age: Depends on the rp! Lol, i can switch it around if i need to!

Birthday: January 25th

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/ her/ her's

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Hogwarts house: Slytherin

Face claim: Christian Serratos

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Face claim: Christian Serratos

Looks in more detail+ any other information about her looks! :

Evangeline is of Mexican and Italian descent. She has classic, and beautiful tanned skin in an olive shade. Her complexion is generally smooth, though, as she is a teenager, she has acne often. Usually in her T-zone, as well as on the left side of her face.

Speaking of her face, it used to be quite round when she was younger. Her jawline was practically nonexistent, however when she started growing and getting older, her jawline and cheekbones sharpened. Now, her facial structure is much more prominent, and slender.

Her nose is bigger than what would classically suit her face shape. It hooks slightly at the end, and stretches longer than she'd like. She was always a bit insecure about her nose, as well as her teeth. In the bottom row of her teeth, there are two that are slightly crooked. It wouldn't be that noticeable to anyone else, however her perfectionist mind loathes how they are just slightly askew.

Evangeline is rather short, standing around 5'3, and hoping to grow more. Her waist is slim, and her chest is not very defined. Though, her hips are naturally thicker than a lot of people's.

Evangeline's hair is as dark as spilled ink. It trickled across her shoulder blades, and run down her back. Her locks are often kissed by the whiles of the wind, meaning her hair can be quite messy looking. Regardless of the natural silkiness of her ebony hued hair, she is outside a lot. Leaving her victim to her hair getting tousled in tussles with the breeze.

If spring could be embodied into a person, it would be this girl. Her eyelashes flutter in a way akin to fallen flower petals, which drift slowly through the breeze. Her caramel colored eyes are gentle, like newborn wildflowers on the sides of dirt roads. The color of her gaze is light, stemming from a gold undertone. When the sunlight dances across her irises, its like the sun itself has burst upon her stare.

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