Skylar Reynolds~ Supernatural edition

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First name: Skylar~ meaning noble scholar

Middle name: Valerie~ meaning strong

Last name: Reynolds~ meaning council, to rule

Nicknames: Skye- by pretty much everyone. It's her basic nickname.

Lark, and Freckles by Dean

Val,  by Sam because he knows she doesn't like it.

Val,  by Sam because he knows she doesn't like it

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Age: At the start of the series, 22.

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/ her

Sexuality: bi curious

Height: 5'7

Birthday: October 29th

Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Personality: Skylar is someone who has been tainted by the hands of cruelty. Her life has been skewed by the alternations grief brings. It has made her a curious person.

Internally, Skylar is someone who has always thought deeply. She has never been someone to brush off the small things, and only focus on the big picture. She always saw the world in a tiny way. As though the microscopic details had to be noticed by someone. Because, if they weren't seen by someone, so much could be missed. She hated the idea of missing something small, that could make a large difference. All in all, she sweats the small stuff.

Skylar was never one to put on a show about herself though. She never sought out attention, or tried to grab the spotlight. In fact, she preferred to stay in the shadows and bask in the light she made in solitude. Instead of showing off her achievements, and presence to the world. It just felt odd to her, to want people to care about every little thing you do.

Skylar is quite a clever person. She was always academically gifted, and got top marks. She always dreamed of having a career in engineering, or science, or something where her hard work would pay off. Which is why she pursued good grades through school, and did her best in everything. Joining as many clubs as she could, and taking any extra class available.

In turn, meaning she is very hard working. She will do whatever it takes the achieve her goals, and usually nothing can sway her once her mind is made up.

This woman is loyal, loyal, loyal. Skylar is like a dog when it comes to the people she loves, and even her goals. She is loyal to anything she believes in, and will do anything to keep them safe. She would sacrifice herself, and anything else she has to, in order to protect everyone she loves.

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