Chapter Nine: "Profunda Cordis"

Start from the beginning

PT-657 meanwhile, has the appearance of a 10-year old, with medium-black hair that's dyed a Canary-yellow at the tips, and with a pair of Amber-colored eyes. She's normally wearing a Rhino-grey, off-shoulder-shirt with Wood-brown colored outlines, a Hunter-green long skirt, and Leather-black shoes with Mint-green socks. She can be considered as the more logical of the three Production PT-Boats that were chosen to be taken into the fleet, to meet their other siblings.

And finally, PT-486 is the last of the Production PT-boats that happened to be armed. Her appearance is that of a 7-year old, with short, black-brown hair and Azure-blue eyes. Although her outfit consisted of a modified Midnight-blue jumpsuit, who's sleeves, and legs, end past her knees and elbows, a pair of Navy-blue socks with Slate-white stripes, and Merigold-orange shoes with Hibiscus-red soles, she doesn't seem to be minding it, unaware about the oddity that she's wearing. Because that she's basically a child, she wanted to keep the mood together as she's with the fleet.

They were recently equipped with their own rigs that are mostly for their own self-defense, and they were aboard the fleet before they realized. When they were spotted by Edinburgh though, 486 had to take the blame for sneaking into the fleet, and staying hidden inside the ship in the first place. Who's ship was it? It was Pandorus' ship, which didn't turned into Wisdom Cubes at the time.

The silence had to be broken by HMS London, of the County-class Heavy Cruisers.

London: "Yes. When the special combat zone collapsed earlier, it seemed to have also caused the rest of the nearby area to become unstable as well."

Hood: "Is all of this, done by the SIRENs?"

P. Wales: "The Sakura Empire's 'Project Orochi', and that mysterious event that was caused by Pandora... I cannot help but feel that they are related in some way. Especially about when she collapsed from touching the Black Mental Cube, during our meeting."

Edward Dyson: "Yes, they have to be. It must be the reason why Pandora is acting up like this."

Q. Elizabeth: "Well, in order to thwart whatever it is, the SIRENs are plotting... We cannot let the Sakura Empire escape."

Polacca had to walk towards Edward Dyson as she tugged on his sleeve to point at the crack that's in the sky, it must've been there when Pandora had been possessed by Conformi.

Edward Dyson: "I know Polacca, I know... do you think Pandora might still be saved?"

The crack in the sky is showing a starry void that's connected to space, nobody wants to be sucked into there, would they? Everyone else in the Azurian Fleet were looking at it curiously, as Cleveland and the rest of her siblings were watching it, along with Hammann, San Diego and Portland.

Columbia: "Big sis... What's going on?"

Cleveland: "How would I know...?"

Hornet: "What are you doing... Pandora? What happened to you?"

Enterprise and Belfast were watching a piece of a SIREN Ship that's from the crack, to the cold waters of the winter ocean, before a large chunk of Ice fell into said waters, which turned out to be the Atlantic Ocean.

Enterprise: "Pandora... was this, what you were trying to prevent? Why'd you have to take the hit?"

Belfast: "Enterprise, I'm sure that she wanted to protect you, the same way..."

Enterprise: "I know... it reminds me of what happened on that day, h-how I... n-nearly... lost my big sister... Yorktown..."

Belfast: "I know that she'll be back..."

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