On the way she passed Sinjin who was crudely dressed as an alien. He had green painted skin and what appeared to be a spacesuit. It looked like she threw it together in 5 minutes.

"HI Jade" He said, with a toothy grin as he made his way up to Tori.

Tori just did what Jade would do. She whipped out her scissors and immediately barked at Sinjin in her best Jade voice. "WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT SPEAKING OR LOOKING AT ME!"

A look of utter terror suddenly came into the boy's face. An instant later he began to scream and ran away.

Tori just laughed. "Holy chiz, he totally thought I was Jade." Tori said as she walked to the open door. Just outside the doorway was a crowd of students in front of the doorway. Tori just glared at them, and they quickly moved out of her way. Tori knew about half of them rather well and not one even seemed to recognize her.

On her way in she heard one of the girls mutter to another. "Jade isn't even wearing a costume."

As Tori entered the Gym which had been decorated with all kinds of Halloween decorations, she could hear the opening lines of a very old dance song by ministry. Tori couldn't help but think how fitting it was.

Well I live with snakes and lizards

And other things that go bump in the night

Cos to me, everyday is halloween

I have given up hiding and started to fight

I have started to fight

Well any time, any place, anywhere that I go

All the people seem to stop and stare

They say 'why are you dressed like it's halloween?

You look so absurd, you look so obscene'

The gym was a sea of black and orange with pictures of happy looking ghosts and ghouls all about. Tori quickly realized that no one seemed to notice she wasn't Jade. She also noticed how most everyone seemed to avoid eye contact with her and several of them looked downright frightened of her.

Tori just put on her best Jade smirk and continued through the crowd. The Latina was pleased as could be by everyone's reaction. She actually began to really like being Jade. It gave her an unknown confidence. It also gave her an idea how she could finally express her feelings to Jade.

She wandered to the refreshments table where there was a line for the punch bowl. Playing her part perfectly, Tori just walked to the front of the line and helped herself. When a freshman girl who was dressed as a bunny protested, Tori just snarled at the girl. The frightened freshman quickly hopped away.

Armed with a glass of punch, Tori went to find the others, Jade especially. After a few minutes Tori found herself at the edge of the dance floor looking at the crowd on the other side. She first spotted Andre who was dressed as an astronaut. Next to him was Robbie, he was dressed as Prince charming. Rex was dressed in a 70's disco suit.. She couldn't see Beck but quickly spotted Cat. The red haired girl was dressed as a fairy, complete with wand and wings.

It was who Cat was talking to that really got Tori's attention. The figure had her back to Tori but she still couldn't believe what she saw.

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