A Doctor's "Appointment" [ 🍋 ] (Female Reader)

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🚩 This gets...very smutty. Please read at your own discretion. 🚩

Requested anonymously.

You sighed as you read the only letter in your mailbox that morning:


I am writing to inform you that you are due for your annual wellness check. Please come by the Pelican Town Medical Clinic sometime either today or tomorrow. If these times do not work for you, please contact our office to reschedule. Thank you so much and I hope to see you soon.


Dr. Harvey M.D."

Great. You thought as you closed the letter and shoved it into your pocket. Another thing to do. You checked your watch as tried to figure out how to squeeze a doctor's appointment into your busy farm schedule. It was a little past seven in the morning, and the clinic opened at nine. A strong pain appeared in your stomach, reminding you that a doctor's visit was probably in your future, anyways. Your stomach had been giving you random pains for a few weeks now, and a medical opinion might not be a bad idea. You decided to go ahead and get the visit over with. You got ready for the day and headed out to the clinic, determined to get in and out as fast as possible.

You decided you needed to dress a little nicer for the appointment, seeing as you would be dealing with the townspeople and you hated them seeing you in your dirty farm clothes. You threw on a low cut tee-shirt and a pair of denim shorts over a cute lace bra with matching panties, not that anyone would see those.

You knew the local nurse, Maru, through your many visits to see her mother, the town's carpenter. You had only met the clinic's main physician, Dr. Harvey, once when you originally moved to the valley.

He was tall and slim, but not skinny. He was a good bit older than you, and you hated to admit that part of you was attracted to him the first time you met. You tried to push those feeling aside as you headed to the clinic. It had been at least a year since that meeting, so why did that moment of lust stick in your mind?

You walked into the clinic and saw Maru sitting behind the counter, erasing any thoughts you had been focusing on. She quickly waved you in. "I'm so glad you got the notice! Most of the time people just ignore them." She said cheerily as you walked over to her.

"Yikes." You laughed. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." She smiled, handing you a clipboard with a check-in form attached. "If you don't mind filling this out, I'll go get the doctor."

You took the form and sat down in the small waiting area. It had pretty standard questions on it, ranging from personal data to family health history. It took only a few minutes to fill out, and you were done before Maru could return.

She eagerly took the clipboard back as you handed it to her. She began to enter the information you had written down into the computer sitting behind the counter. She finished typing, then printed off a paper and took it to the back of the clinic, disappearing behind the swinging doors. She returned momentarily and went back to her seat behind the counter. She was followed a few minutes after by the doctor.

Dr. Harvey stood in the doorway and called your name, waving you to the back of the clinic. You followed him down a couple of hallways to an examination room. "Please, have a seat." The doctor instructed. You did as he asked, and he sat down on his wheeled stool, quickly glancing over some papers he had on his clipboard.

"Well," He said, flicking a pen between his fingers as he continued to review the papers. "You're here for a basic check-up, and it says that you've been experiencing some stomach pain." He looked up at you. For the first time since you had arrived, you and the doctor met eyes. The feelings you had remembered from before came flickering back as you stared into his deep hazel eyes. He looked away quickly, focusing on the clipboard again. His mustache twitched slightly as he looked back at you again. "Could you...uh...elaborate on that?"

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