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The three all tumble out of the portal and onto the ground. Scarlett brushes the dirt and leaves from her pants, then looks up at the so called savior. Scarlett feels her blood boil as she makes eye contact with the blonde.

Scarlett shoves her hands towards Emma who gets blasted back by magic. Emma struggles to stand up, but once she does, Scarlett blasts her back once more. Emma looks over at the pirate as if asking for help, but he simply shrugs with his arms crossed.

" When... the hell... are we?" Scarlett grits through her teeth.

Emma's eyes glance over Scarlett's shoulder, and she sees a wanted sign for none other than Snow White,

"Well, I suppose we're lucky we wound up in this time. We could have appeared in the middle of the Ogre Wars. Or smack-dab in the belly of a whale", Killian says.

Emma grabs the storybook that Killian conveniently brought with him and begins to flip through the pages.

" Why are you reading that now? Do you need mommy and daddy's love story to comfort you?" Scarlett sneers.

" No. When we were falling through, I was thinking about Henry and the story we were all reading at Granny's", Emma says.

" You think that time portals work like any other sort? They take you back to where you're thinking of?" Killian asks.

" No where. When", She says.

" Excellent deduction, Miss Swan", Scarlett says as she rolls her eyes, " Alas, it appears they share another quality. They don't stay open for the return trip".

" Well, we're trapped in the past. I should have left Storybrooke the instant we defeated Zelena. This is exactly the kind of thing that does not happen in New York", Emma says.

" God. New York this. New York that. Just shut up already", Scarlett groans.

" There's no need to be antsy. We have our wits. We just have to focus on being constructive", Killian says, " So... any ideas how to get back?".

" If I knew how to, we'd already be back", She says, " But... I think I know just the person who could help us get back. Rumplestiltskin".

Horses neigh off in the distance as the sounds of wooden wheels knocking against the ground ring through the air. The three from the future hide behind a bush as the Evil Queen steps out of her carriage.

" Listen to me very carefully", She says to the people in the village, " Whatever squalor and despair your pathetic little lives have been able to tolerate until this point, is nothing compared to the pain and misery I can inflict if I leave here unhappy".

" That's Regina", Emma whispers.

" Not Regina. That's the Evil Queen", Scarlett whispers.

" You will help me", says.

" Please, your majesty, we are a peaceful village. What do you want from us?", Marco asks as he takes a step forward.

" Justice", Regina says, " If I find out anyone in this village has helped the bandit Snow White, they will suffer dearly. Here's what helping Snow White looks like", as the black knights remove the bag from a girl's head.

" Help me! She's gonna kill me!", The girl yells out.

Emma goes to stand up and help the girl, but Scarlett grabs her sleeve and forces her to stay, for within a mere seconds, Scarlett from the past steps out of the carriage.

" No, she is not. Let the poor girl go, mother. She did nothing wrong".

" Get back in the carriage. This won't take much longer," Regina says.

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