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The heroes all ban together for a séance. To contact the Queen of Hearts, for they need answers about her eldest daughter.

Scarlett has been handling the situation pretty well. And by pretty well, she's been uses alcohol to snub out any remainder of feelings that may be lingering within her.

Much to Killian's dislike.

He's not one to turn down a drink, but he knows what it does to Scarlett. She's been down this path before. She's used alcohol to numb herself before. And it's never ended well. She's unable to control her magic.

The heroes sit around the table as Regina walks in with a tray full of tea.

"It's a deadly poison for summoning the Dark Vortex".

" I prefer earl grey", David says.

I prefer whiskey Scarlett thinks to herself. She pulls out a flask and drinks the dark liquid. It slightly burns her throat, but to her, it's a pleasurable burn.

" The dark what?" Emma asks.

" Zelena came by this morning. While the Dark One was stealing my heart, she was here gloating. She said that my weakness was that I don't know enough about her past, so I've decided to summon someone who does. We have to talk to my mother", Regina says, "It's a fairly simple ritual but not often performed".

" If it's easy to talk to the dead, why not do it more?" Emma asks.

" Well, because to do it, you need the murder weapon and... the murderer," Regina says as she looks over at Mary.

Regina goes to light the candle as her daughter finishes the liquid from her flask. Killian looks over at his girl and sighs. He takes the empty flask from her, and she rolls her eyes.

" What do we need to do?" Emma asks.

" Focus on Cora," Regina responds.

The queen reaches her hands outwards, inviting the rest to all follow and join hands. Scarlett grabs Killian's hook and her mother's hand. They all close their eyes and think of Cora. Hardly any are positive.

Eyes still closed, nobody notices the Dark Vortex appear on the ceiling until the wind starts swirling and the room grows cold. They all collectively open their eyes and look up at the vortex.

" Cora? Mother, can you hear us? Cora, give us a sign. Do not ignore me now, mother. Please. You owe me this."

The table bumps, and soon enough, the portal closes. Regina's tear stained eyes glance over the table. That was the first time she was able to talk to her mother since her death. No matter how cruel Cora was, no matter how much pain she caused, she was still Regina's mother.

" Sorry, love. That was me. I crossed my legs and bumped that table", Killian says.

Regina sighs, then blows out the candle at both ends. There's no point to try again. The portal opened, but nothing came from it. Cora does not want to talk. Or rather, she doesn't walk to talk to Regina. Whatever secrets lie in her past will remain burried with her corpse.

One by one, the heroes eventually leave. Scarlett is the last to stand up and stumbles when she tries to walk out the door. Killian grabs her before she can fall. He can smell the booze on her breath. She looks up at him, and when he looks into her eyes, he sees nothing but a drunk. A drunk who wishes to be numb.

And by God, Scarlett was good at it.

Their walk around town gives Scarlett some time to sober up. Killian's hook holds the leash of Hook while his hand wraps around Scarlett's waist. Scarlett observes her surroundings with a smile on her face, for her buzz is still present. They make their way back to the mayor's house, where, once again, they find the heroes looking ever so distressed.

"She's planning on going back... back in time", Belle announces.

Finally, Scarlett is brought out of her daze. Her eyes widen as her mind sobers. It's all clicked for her. She's figured it out. She knows the motive behind Zelena's plan as soon as the words came out of Belle's mouth.

" Are you certain?" Regina asks, " No one's ever been able to cast a spell to go back in time".

" Well, clearly, she thinks she can succeed. I mean, brains, courage, a-a resilient heart-- those are in every time-travel spell I've found", Belle says.

" Why go back in time? I mean, we have no idea what she's trying to accomplish", David says.

" I do", Mary starts, " She-- She didn't...".

" Don't push yourself", He whispers.

" She didn't want to give up Zelena. She was forced to by-- mm. By my mother. Princess Eva. She told a secret... just like I did", She says.

" Wait. I thought our family were the good guys", Emma says.

" Life is too messy for it to ever be that simple", Scarlett scoffs.

David sends her a glare, and Scarlett gladly sends one back.

" You're saying if it weren't for Snow's mother, Cora would have kept Zelena?" He asks.

" She would have been tutored by Rumplestiltskin", Belle says.

" All if it weren't for this Princess Eva?", Killian asks.

" So that means...", Emma trails.

" Zelena's going back to kill my mother", Mary says.

" You'll have never been born", Regina gasps.

" I'm guessing this is where your help ends", Emma says.

" Now, think it through, Miss Swan. That means you'll have never been born, and neither will Henry", Regina says.

" It's a good thing no one has ever succeeded with this time-travel nonsense", Killian says.

From his seat, David springs up with a gasp.

" The baby," He whispers.

Scarlett catches on to what he's thinking.

Zelena means to take Snow White and Prince Charmings' baby. The product of true love. She needs something... innocent. The baby is the key to unlocking the portal that would allow one to go back in time.

Violets | Killian JonesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang