And boy did it pay off.

Sure she got in trouble and sure her foster father Sota had to attend conferences on behalf of her behavior.

But it was worth it.

Because that was the only time she could interact with Solomon.

But that changed as soon as Towa was told that she was now going to an ALL girl school.

And when Towa found out that this was going to be her fate, she hated it.

More than not being able to protect her sister.

Wait a moment.

She had a sister?

Yeah she did.

But she wasn't there with Towa.

She was in the Feudal era.

An era that was visited long ago by a 15 year old girl named Kagome Higurashi.

That was Eighteen years ago.

Eighteen years later?

That well still remained.

Now Kagome's grandfather passed away ten years after her return back to the feudal world.

So it was only her mother.

Who was visited by Sota's daughters and firstborn son.


Solomon was going to attend Nihongo High school.

Which was opposite from the school that Towa was going to attend.

Solomon was found walking to school one day.

Wearing his uniform and listening to his music.

He had many genres.

But his favorite one was this new song called "Who Dat Boy" From Tyler the creator.

Solomon: Yo, who dat boy? Who him is?

Him that nig-ga, I swear

Stand up guy, him don't need no chair

Well, where the world him at?

'Cause nigga, I'm right here

Yashahime: Solomon's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now