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"You know when you came across me for the first time, my breath got hitched. I felt butterflies on my stomach. I used to watch you everyday, I used to follow you everytime. After many trials finally I gained courage to talk with you. We became friends....notes were just an excuse to spend times with you even after being your senior I know it's awkward to ask notes but I was the only one who told your batchmates that I'll get notes for them. Girls run behind me but I run behind you only because I feel different about you, when I left the college I was very upset knowing that I won't be able to meet you again and was also angry on myself for not letting you know my feelings but see god has given me another chance in this college event. I just came here to meet you only to let you know everything. I know it's too fast to come to this decision but before leaving this festival......I want to say this now as I feel that I won't get another good chance to say it so I love you, I love you so much. Will you marry me Mallika? Will you be Mrs.Mallika Singh Oberoi? " Shivaay was sat on his knees proposing Mallika.

"I don't know about love but yes Shivaay I'll marry you and will spend my life with you " Mallika answered.

The two lovers hugged each other. Shivaay's happiness has no bound but it was a different emotion for Mallika and that's only she knows.

S: Malli I'll send alliance on your house next week.

M: sure, I'll wait for your alliance.

S: I know it's a bit stupidity to ask a girl for marriage directly without dating her.

M: I'm glad that you've the courage to do unlike some people who date for years but still isn't sure about marriage.

S: hey why your expression changed? Is everything okay?

M: everything is just fine. Ok Shivaay I'm going home bye

S: bye..

Mallika left the place and went at her home and Shivaay was jumping in happiness. Mallika after reaching her house directly went at her room and locked it from inside crying bitterly when suddenly somebody put her hands on her shoulder.

M: Annika!

A: first of all you forgot to close the window and gave me the entrance to come inside your room and secondly you're crying again for that moron again!

M: my reason is something else

A: you can share with me afterall we are Sisters

M: Anni wo (she narrated about Shivaay's proposal)

A: when you didn't knew what's going on then why did you even said yes to him. You already knew that somewhere he likes you.

M: so what could I do? When Shivaay proposed me only Siddharth's betrayal flashed in front of my eyes. Even though I ditched him....

A: shhh don't cry.... I don't know whom should I blame? I can't see anyone's fault here. You're right on your place Siddharth is also right in his place

M: I should've given him more time do you think?

A: I don't know

M: then do you think that he should've agreed to marry me after dating for 7 damn years.

A: I said na both of you are right on your place but the thing is Shivaay, what's his fault?

M: he's not at fault that's why now I decided that I'll move on.

A: but Malli di don't you think it's too fast..... I mean you guys have broken up just few days agi and now you decided to marry!

M: please Ani I'm sure about it. It's not fast

My Hubby Dearest💕 [A SHIVIKA SS] ☑️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя