Chapter 11: Make It Right: Part 1. (Hizashi)

Start from the beginning

"Place your bags down anywhere, I do not mind." Toshinori said with a smile before sitting down on his bed. "You fellas don't mind me shrinking do you?

"Not at all bud." Hizashi reassured with his normal goofy smile. The other blonde smiled back with a thumbs up before shrinking down into his weaker form.

"Staying in my muscle form for so long takes a lot out of me. I've got to work on that.." Yagi stated as faint steam emitted from his body.

"Don't beat yourself up buddy. We've all got things we need to work on and we'll get there together!" Yamada beamed and swung an arm around the taller blonde while sitting down next to him. "Go beyond."

"Plus ultra!" They all chanted, swinging their fists into the air. Shirakumo grabbed the chair from Toshi's desk and sat down.

"Soooo, how are things with Zawa, Hizashi?" The light blue haired boy teased, making the smaller blonde blush.

"Wh-What? N-Nothing! We're just friends Shira!" Hizashi stammered out while waving his hands in front of his face, feeling his face heat up and become redder by the second.

"Oh come on Hizashi, or should I say "'Zashi". Everyone knows you like him!"

"N-No I don't!" The smaller blonde stuttered out his face as red as a tomato.

"Something must've happened between you two. You can barely look at each other and I've never seen Aizawa run out like he did today." Toshinori explained.

There was a painfully long pause for a few minutes as the other two waited eagerly for Hizashi to respond. Yamada sighed softly as he thought over what to say. He looked up at them two while rubbing the back of his neck before speaking. "We, uh... We may have kissed.." Hizashi muttered. Shirakumo immediately smiled brightly and widened his eyes.


"Well uh..."

"How was it? Does this mean you're together?! What happened after that?!" The light blue haired boy yelled while shaking the smaller blonde's shoulders. Yagi separated them and sat the boy back down.

"Calm down Shirakumo. Give Yamada some space and time to think."

"Thanks, Toshi.."

"Not a problem!" The taller blonde beamed while beefing up into his muscular form, giving him a thumbs up, before shrinking back down again.

'I'm going to have to tell them too, aren't I?' Hizashi thought to himself and sighed, rubbing his eyes to get rid of any tears before they had a chance to fall.

Hizashi explained everything that happened, his nightmare he had while having a sleepover at Shota's and the talk they had the day after. Toshi and Oboro looked at Yamada in shock. They never thought that something that serious was happening in the loud teen's home life. Hizashi made they both not tell a soul about it which they reluctantly agreed to. It wasn't right to not tell anyone about it but they didn't want to lose their friend because of it.

"He.. he was comforting me and I don't know what came over me. I just felt so safe with him, y'know? Cared for..maybe even loved.." Hizashi explained and rubbed the back of his neck, sighing softly. Toshinori gently placed his hand on the smaller blonde's shoulder and Hizashi immediately hugged Yagi. He let tears fall that he didn't know he was holding back. Yagi gently hugged him back and Oboro quickly joined the hug too.

They all stayed in the comforting hug for a moment until Hizashi pulled away and wiped his eyes. He took a breath before continuing. "He wanted to talk to me about it and I panicked. I honestly didn't, and still really don't, think he likes me like that. So I said it was nothing just something that happened in the moment." He stated.

"Why did you do that?"

"Because it's true. He doesn't like me that way, I doubt he even likes guys. He hangs around with Nem a lot, maybe he likes her.. Maybe he'd like me if I grew boobs." Hizashi said sadly while looking down to the floor. Toshi and Oboro both laughed at Hizashi's last sentence.

"Doesn't like you like that? The fuck am I hearing?" Oboro asked and sat down next to Yamada. "Hizashi, I can tell that Shota care about you a lot. He doesn't show it often because he's always tryna hide it but I can tell." 

"Yeah! Not to mention that you're the only one that's allowed to call him Sho and he's the only one that's allowed to call you 'Zashi. You have cute little nicknames for each other for fucks sake!" Toshi beamed with a big smile. Hizashi smiled softly as he thought about the first time Shota called him Zashi. It made his heart melt and flutter.

"Aww, look Toshi, Hizashi's in loooove!" Oboro teased and nudged the smaller teen next to him. Yamada hid his face in his hands and immediately turned bright red. The other two laughed softly. "If you need anymore proof that Shota cares about you Hizashi I can think of a few. You're the only one I've seen make him smile."

"You're the only one that seems to tolerate the most and to actually make him laugh." Toshi added.

"You're the only one he's wanted to spend time with outside of school."

"Didn't he randomly get you gift as well?" Yagi asked. Hizashi simply nodded with a small, soft smile on his lips. "Never done that for anyone else." The taller blonde added.

"Really?" Hizashi questioned, looking up at the other two teens who simultaneously nodded. "Aw.." he muttered as he smile grew.

Oboro gasped softly and widened his eyes. "I have an idea!"

"What?" Toshi asked.

"The festival is coming up soon and if I remember correctly they give us a decent amount of time to prepare for it sooo! You should sing to him!" The blue haired boy beamed.

"Wh-What?! No! I can't do that!"

"Oh c'mon Hizashi! You're such a good singer! Plus, it seems to be difficult for you to express your emotions by talking to why not put all of your emotions into singing?" Shirakuma stated while giving Hizashi puppy dog eyes. The blonde rubbed the back of his neck and sighed.

"I don't know.." he muttered.

"We'll have your back Yamada so you won't be up there alone." The taller blonde beamed with his normal big smile and thumbs up. The other blonde smiled softly at them both before sighing and rolling his eyes.

"Fine." As soon as he agreed the two tackle-hugged the Hizashi, making them all fall off the bed and onto the floor. They looked at each other before erupting into laughter. Hizashi started to feel nervous but also excited for the festival coming up. He's never sang in front of a lot of people before. Only in front of Shirakumo really. It's definitely gonna take a lot for him to have the confidence to get up on chance and sing. But the thought of seeing Aizawa calmed him down.

Hizashi smiled softly to himself at the thought of Shota then his mind wandered.

This was going to be a long couple of weeks.

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