#10 Answers

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Izuku's mind was a whirl, he felt dizzy as the blond so boldly told him that the quirk was for him to take... Silently backing up he leaned against an old car. Wondering exactly what that could mean for him in the future. "I do not expect you to uphold my mantle, the symbol of peace should only be for those who choose that burden to carry... but if you wish to be a hero there is a responsibility to give rest to the people you wish to protect from villains."

All might's mouth formed into a grin, his buff form reappearing in front of Izuku. "I know even without this power it wouldn't change a thing. You will still be a wonderful hero." Looking out on the piles and piles of trash. "I... I'll do it..." The blond beamed before the teen looked up at him, his eyes shining in determination. "Wonderful! Now! he clasped his hands before showing the teen around the beach, many old appliances and even large cars were left in a heap. 

"This will be where we prepare your body for One for all. That is the quirk name by the way!" Izuku gave a slight grin at the blond fumbling, it gave Izuku a reminder that the number one hero, although insanely strong and seems like this unyielding force was still human... and it made Izuku relax around the man. "Once you get this portion of the beach cleaned up, I'm sure your body will be able to handle it." The man grinned at him. Izuku then became curious. "What would happen if I wasn't ready?" 

"Oh that's easy, your limbs might blow off!" Izuku blinked and shuddered. "Just that I guess..." He muttered uneasily making the blond laugh wholeheartedly. "I will send you your meal plan and our schedule. I will overcompensate how much you might need just in case my calculations may be wrong." Izuku nodded his head, better to be overprepared than under... especially with something so drastic. "Now, the real question is what will happen to your quirk." Looking up at him with curious eyes. "My quirk?" All might nod as he sat down on the ground in the sand, bringing out a stick he made a small graph.

"The quirk itself is just a stockpiling quirk, when it got to me it gave me a massive amount of strength when activated, of course, it will be the same for you, however, it will first grab your quirk and give it a boost of some kind. My master for example had a quirk named float, it made her do as it entailed, however when she received one for all, she was able to hover longer and without much backlash... not to mention she was able to propel herself faster than before!"

He talked about his master so fondly Izuku felt as if he was looking in a mirror when he was talking about Hikari... smiling at the man's story he shook his head before Izuku looked down and saw what looked like a tree... its original point was small but it grew from where it first began. "This is a good explanation of how One for all works." Izuku hummed before looking up. "What was your quirk for it to be that powerful?" All might hummed and he shook his head. "I was quirkless my boy." Izuku blinked up at him before he got wide-eyed, his mouth gaining a large smile.

"So technically I will have two masters that were quirkless! That's awesome!" All might gave raised eyebrows before remembering the picture. "I'm glad you think so, you remind me of my master." Izuku looked at his scales as he wondered. "So... if it gives it a boost what do you think it might do? I haven't tried fully transforming myself... Maybe I should do that?" Izuku asked making all might's eyes widen. "Oh? Your quirk is transformative? I thought so but I thought you did that before?" Shaking his head Izuku put his finger up.

"I think it's supposed to be a reptilian quirk that will allow me to scatter scales onto my body, and the more I put on the more abilities I have..." All might hummed thoughtfully, "Quite a quirk young man. But you are right, in terms of what your quirk may already be capable of, we must see it before we add One for all to it. Though not here, we shouldn't practice quirks outside of places that aren't restricted." All Might had said with authority before giving a grin. "Though I suppose doing it once wouldn't hurt." Call the blond curious, he wanted to see what Izuku's quirk could do.

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