#2 Sensei and Friend

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Izuku had been in self-defense classes for over two years, his sensei Hikari Ota was an elderly man who had passed many knowledgeable kata's, they were a cross between karate and Judo as the man had been very proficient in both when he was very young he had gotten to one of the highest positions in both Judo and Karate. It had amazed Izuku at how wise the man was, the man being quirkless being 2nd generation of quirks so it was not so rare to find an elder being quirkless but still flip large people with mutant quirks.

He had been an inspiration for Izuku and had passed many things to him and he would be internally grateful for learning all of the things that he had learned from him... but like most things... everything had to come to an end. Izuku stared at the closed dojo doors in sadness, rain pittered against his shoulder dripping down... "Izuku-Kun, come here for a moment." Stopping his spar with one of the other dojo workers he walked over towards Hikari as the elder man smiled warmly at the viridian teen. 

"What is it Sensei?" Izuku asked curiously as he sat in front of the elder. "Your moves seem locked up. What has you bothered?" Izuku frowned slightly at the thought as he tilted his head. "Locked up?" Hikari gave a confirmed hum. "Your bones move like rocks sliding against each other." Izuku's head hanged low at that. "Having a sturdy base like a rock is perfectly fine, no one can push you down... but if you only stand your ground you are only just a rock," Hikari stated before standing up. "Going from the first position from your base into another form, you must flow like water...  but be as light as air... and attack with a fiery heart... combine all four and you will master your inner will."

Izuku closed his eyes before he stood up. watching all the forms from Hikari as he explained every emotion and feeling. Of course, they were just metaphors... however he closed his eyes, thinking of that feeling he had felt just months before... He cried out towards the sky. "Izuku your quirk, what exactly is it." Hikari gave a quick poke towards one of the blemishes on his cheek as he gave a pout, a pink blush sprouted in embarrassment. "They are just spots..." Hikari shook his head. "No can't be. they grow back do they not? They also seem to pop up more when you are upset." 

Izuku groaned as fell to the floor, his head hitting a mat cushioning his fall. "I know all that, but there's nothing! Nothing seems to happen, I don't have anything but these... these blobs!" Hikari shook his head, "No, I think they are more like scales, look here." He pointed up at a portrait hanging on the wall... one Izuku had been told to look at many times. "See these, they look very similar, though a different color I think you may have more than a mutation quirk."  Izuku grumbled out, "Why even help me with my quirk... it seems so useless..."

Feeling pressure on his head he looked up to see Hikari placing his hand against his head and giving a small ruffle. "My job is to prepare you before I leave Izuku-Kun." Izuku tilted his head, "You're going to leave? When?" Hikari gave a fond smile, "Hopefully not for a while, but when the time comes..." Izuku clutched his chest, feeling more blemishes prop up around his legs as he sobbed. "You'll be sad at first..." Izuku fell to his knees. "But in that time I know you won't need me then..." The door opened from the dojo and Izuku could only look up, seeing a solemn look on the black-haired woman that had been caring for Hikari. "Please come in Izuku... Hikari-sama wouldn't want you to get sick." Hana called out.

Izuku slowly stood up with shaky legs before walking into the shade of the dojo, Hana had a towel and a change of clothing for the young teen to dry before fully entering the dojo. Slipping off his shoes Hana left him alone to change. As he did change Izuku sniffled away the tears that might continue flowing if he thought the idea of the elder being gone... "I won't be gone entirely." Izuku winced at the voice in his head. "I'll be in your heart." Feeling his heart swell in an ache he slowly walked towards the training hall, Hana had a box in her hand... "I'm sorry for your loss Izuku..." She whispered out, as Izuku sadly nodded. "I'm sorry as well..." He whispered out sadly as she shook her head, the tears that threatened to spill over were wiped away. 

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