#6 Those eyes...

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Izuku had walked into his apartment with such excitement that his mother had jumped when he came in through the door. Looking towards him Izuku bounded towards her so quickly she had to brace herself so she wouldn't drop the dishes in her arms. "Mom! The bull-man was captured!" Her eyes widened in surprise. "The one who hurt Kirishima-Kun?" Izuku nodded his head he bounced on the soles of his feet. "Yeah! Erasure head was the one to capture him! Oh, a-And my quirk! I-It manifested something again! It's just like dad's quirk!" 

Pausing slightly she tilted her head. "W-Wait how do you know that the bull guy was captured... and isn't Erasure Head an underground hero... how did you..." Inko muttered as Izuku rubbed his neck. "A-After I walked Ei home he kinda jumped me." Inko walked over to him in worry as he held up his hands. "I'm an o-okay mom! I was able to throw him before he could hit me, Hikari-sensei really helped me." He gave a sad smile but his eyes looked up in determination at his mother. "Erasure even said I did well before he got to him!" 

"D-did he?" She stuttered, wrapping her arms around him as she did Izuku stopped his mumbling as he was nestled with his mother. "I'm glad you are safe." Inko kissed the top of his head making him relax. The actual realization of what happened through his day sank into him and he felt tiredness wash over him. Wondering to himself how he even made it back to his home in such excitement he started to shake. "He's going to be put away?" He asked hopefully making his mother nod, feeling her arms tighten around him. 

"I-I should tell Ei!" He said looking up making his mother pull away, a proud smile forming on her face as he put his phone to his ear, sitting down as he did as the ringing cut through the air before it instantly went to voice mail. "Ah... his phone must have died," Izuku muttered silently. A disappointed look went over his face as she slowly sat down next to him on the couch. "Did you have fun today? Kirishima-chan told me how excited her son was when he asked for you."

Looking up from his phone he nodded happily. "W-we went to an amusement park! It was the exact feeling I want to feel if I was flying!" His eyes glossed over as if he was reliving the memory, closing his eyes he sighed in content. Inko had been watching with curious and calculating eyes as he retold his day. "You said your quirk manifested something?" Snapping Izuku out of his daze he nodded his head with vigor. "I breathed fire! It was really weird though, I'm not exactly sure if it was fire because it was green... maybe it has to do with the chemicals that I produced, fire changes color based on the elements that it burns..."Inko could only smile sheepishly as her son kept going.

"Wait- breathing fire with reptilian-like scales." Izuku looked up with a bright smile, remembering the mural that had been shown to him by his Hikari-sensei... he had looked at the scales but dismissed the rest of the mural... "Maybe I'm like a dragon mutation!" Inko hummed, hearing the excitement in her son's voice she couldn't help but feel worried, knowing how much discrimination he got from just his scales alone... and whatever he may turn into if he does fully transform into whatever he may be.

"Well, whatever it may be Izuku, I believe in you." The words left her mouth and Izuku beamed at her acknowledgment. "Thank you, Mom!" His eyes got a little teary, another scale popping up and made his eyes glow as he stumbled. apologizing to his mother as his eyes made her jump. "Every time I get happy this happens. It's so weird." He rubbed his eyes as he yawned, it had gotten pretty late. "Well, you should get to bed. Call Ei whenever you get a chance tomorrow, I'll be at work for most of the day." Looking up with confused eyes.

"I thought it was your day off." He gave a small frown of concern making her give him a smile. "You remember that nurse? She asked for me to cover her shift."Giving a nod of understanding he started to walk towards his room. "Good night mom." hearing his mother call out a goodnight he silently closed the door. Slowly easing his way into his room he silently felt at his neck, rubbing it from where the bull had grabbed him. Wincing as he felt one of the scales he had peal off from being so worn... 

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