#5 Free fire

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It had been a week of best rest for Eijiro, ordered by the collective group of his parents and the doctors, the wound itself was sealed and would heal as it should but he needed his rest... though Izuku had basically been in bed rest with him, he couldn't get Eijiro to put down his phone to stop texting him... not that he minded... no, on the contrary, he really enjoyed talking with him... though every time Eijiro called it freaked him out wondering if he was in trouble again... thought he would have guessed that the bull incident was completely one-time thing, he would try to call 911 quickly with the emergency button that his parents had put on his phone.

Of course, there was the issue of going to school and his phone constantly buzzing and he had to put it on silent, he felt bad ignoring the teen for a few hours at a time knowing how hyperactive the teen really was. Though the day Eijiro was finally deemed free from bed rest was on a Friday and he had told Izuku he wanted to do something with him... he didn't go into explicit detail to what activity they might endure but he could guess it would be better than dying in a park.

Pushing away any grim thought he started walking through the halls, going to the locker at the front of the school he opened it only for it to be slammed shut again. "Kacchan." Izuku said in surprise as the blond glared at the teen. "Deku..." The growl that escaped the ash-haired teen made Izuku drop his bag. Pushing himself to the locker he saw the smokey hand be pushed against the locker, Katsuki being only inches away from him. "You had that retarded smile on your face all day. What moron made you king around here?!" Katsuki snarled as Izuku winced slightly. "I'm not a k-king of a-anything... I was j-just going to go see my friend."

Izuku muttered making the blond scoff out a laugh. "A friend? You have no friends Deku." Izuku silently looked up as the blond's twisted scowl morphed into a smirk. "The only friends you might pick up are worthless as much as you are..." Izuku froze at that as his hair dropped in front of his face... a blob resurfacing on Izuku's cheek, as a small inaudible whisper flew from Izuku's lips. "Haaah?! What was that you-" His breath got caught in his throat as Izuku's head snapped up, his eyes burning a bright green. 

Grabbing ahold of the hand with both his hands he slammed him down to the floor as that small window of shock gave him. "You should choose your words more carefully Kacchan" Izuku stared down at him, his eyes never leaving Katsuki's. "Ei is everything compared to you." Turning towards his locker he opened it and placed his bag into it before silently walking out of the school. Katsuki who finally regained his barring breathed out in surprise. "W-What!" Katsuki shouted as he looked around the entire locker room but he had already gone.


Izuku clenched his teeth as he placed his hand against his head, A splitting headache rang against him... it had been significantly less than what had happened previously, though it still was one hell of a drawback. He had learned much more about his quirk the past week than he had his entire life... he couldn't stop wanting to kick himself for just not trying to push his quirk out... completely afraid of a possibility that seems to be impossible. 

He had hypothesized that his quirk; although had mutation aspects, was a transformative quirk that more than likely turned him into a reptile of some kind, he hadn't tried a full body cover with the small insecurity, though it had been slowly going away, and he thought maybe one day under supervision he could try a full-body cover.

Of course, this was only a hypothesis, he had many other ideas of what his quirk could be entailing... like a stress-related quick, the more spots he had the more ability he would have... he didn't know exactly what the ability was but he could only test it... He slowed his steps as he saw Eijiro standing there right next to the park fence, he had his phone out staring at it with silent curiosity. though there was something different about him. his hair was styled slightly differently, it had usually been down, but this time it was parted going up, showing his forehead.

Brittle Skin (KiriDeku)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें