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This was inspired by how my family did it.
Kaito/Miu: me
Kokichi: my twin brother
Keebo: my mom
Rantaro: my dad
The others are just how my friends reacted

Also; the photos provided are by me. Keebo is human.

Rantaro POV:

The class had been given supplies to make gingerbread houses, and we all voted that today was when we would make them. Kirumi was watching over us as the chaos broke out.
"UGHHH IT WONT STAY UP!" Kaito groaned in annoyance, as the roof of his house slid off. He went to grab his icing back to see someone eating it. "KOKICHI EAT YOUR OWN!"

"NE-HEHE TO LATE!" Kokichi announced back, throwing an empty icing bag back at Kaito. They started to bicker back in forth as I just laughed slightly. I looked over to see Keebo yelling at Miu.

"MIU WHY DOES YOUR GINGER BREAD MAN HAVE A DICK!?" They yelled in horror, Miu had put a gumdrop on the ginger bread man and put white icing on the tip of it. I started to hold in my laugh which caused me to look stupid. I looked over to see what Kokichi had been making, his was covered in red food dye and both of his ginger bread men where headless inside of the house. That's brutal.. I thought. I noticed Shuichi looked like he was in distress as he was carefully icing on candy to his.

"GUYS! Let's stop fighting and actually do this! Kirumi went through all the trouble of making us the cookies so please!" Kaede suddenly told us, everyone went quiet and kept working

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"GUYS! Let's stop fighting and actually do this! Kirumi went through all the trouble of making us the cookies so please!" Kaede suddenly told us, everyone went quiet and kept working. Unfortunately, that didn't last too long. Kokichi had stolen one of Kaitos gingerbread men and ate it, causing Kaito to start fighting with him once again. Maki looked disappointed in them but just kept working in silence, meanwhile Keebo was talking to me as he worked.

"AYO! KEEBOY! STOP FLIRTING WITH MY BROTHER!" Kokichi suddenly yelled, and then burst into laughter.

"I AM NOT FLIRTING WITH AMAMI!" They yelled back in annoyance.

"Sure whatever you say~" He teased. Keebo just rolled their eyes and kept working.

"I think i'm almost done!" They smiled brightly to me, placing the last little candy onto his house.

"Looks great Keebo, I think I'm almost done too." I replied, they looked at mine and started to giggle. "What's so funny..?"

"It's just... it's very green, it looks like you as a house!" He said in between laughs. I didn't do it on purpose, nor did I even notice. Once we were both finished, we looked over to see Shuichi making his gingerbread men into Kaito, Kaede and Kokichi. That's nice of him, but why Kokichi? I thought he hated him.

"Yoo Pooichi you having an enemies to lovers arc with Kokichi or something?" Miu laughed, also noticing what he was making. He flushed bright red before replying ;

"No! I-I'm just making my friends.." He mumbled, he looked really embarrassed.

"Awww Shuami sees me as a friend!" Kokichi teased, making him go even more red.

"Shut up Kokichi! My side kick was probably just doing it to be nice! Why would he like you?" Kaito commented.

"Who said he liked Kokichi?" Keebo asked, more confused than ever.

"W-what ever! Let's just keep working on our houses so we can finish them.." Kaito mumbled, trying to change the subject. I guess he was embarrassed that he was the only one who thought Shuichi liked Kokichi, unless you count Mius teasing. Since Keebo and I were done already, we just got to relax. They laid their head on my shoulder and I felt my face grow to a hot red.

"*Gasp* Is Keeboy dating Rantaro!?" Kokichi asked dramatically, after noticing us. Keebo quickly got off of me which made me a little sad, but before I could think to hard about it Keebo spoke up.

"We are not dating, friends can be affectionate to eachother. You probably don't know that because you don't have any." He rebuttaled, Kokichi suddenly burst into crocodile tears.

"*Sniff* H-how could you say that Keebo! I-I have a bunch o-of friends!" He sobbed harder as he said that. Keebo just sighed but didn't say anything, he looked really tired of Kokichis remarks, well, not just the remarks. I noticed they had dark circles under his eyes.

"Hey Keebs, you look really tired. Wanna go back to my dorm and relax for a little bit?" I suggested in a whisper. They quickly nodded and got up from their seat. I did the same and grabbed his hand, leading him to my dorm.


Once we got there, we laid on my bed.

"You looked sad when I- *sign* did I- hurt your feelings when I said we weren't dating? I did sound rude when I said it.." He mumbled nervously.

"No, no you didn't. I was sad because you looked really tired." I lied so casually, I guess you get that when Kokichis your brother. They smiled and nodded before laying his head onto my chest. I put one of my hands on top of their head and played with it lightly. Before I knew it, he was peacefully asleep ontop of me. How cute. I thought with a dust of blush on my face. How is he so clueless about my crush on them? I sighed and laid down too, I closed my eyes and before I knew it I slowly was starting to fall sleep with them.

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