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Kaede x Miu
Kaito x Maki
Gonta x Ryoma
Angie x Tsumigi
Himiko x Tenko

Also, this is not a real cookie recipe, and it's 4 months into the school year so they're all kinda close but not a lot of friend groups are made yet.


Keebo POV:

I sighed as I remembered what the class had planned for today, Akamatsu came up with the amazing idea to have us bake cookies together. Does she not realize that half the class will probably burn the dorm building down? What ever, won't be my fault. I thought, locking the door to my dorm room behind me as I left for the kitchen. I noticed on my way there that Ouma was pulling Saiharas arm, practically dragging him there. That makes two of us who don't wanna go.

I finally reached the kitchen, there I saw that I was the last to arrive. "Now that everyone's here, I'll be putting you all into groups of two. These groups will be randomly chosen to maybe help you talk to some new people! Tojo will pulling names out of a hat." Akamatsu smiled, placing her hands together while Tojo started to grab two little pieces of paper at a time from the hat.

"Saihara and Ouma, you two will be working together." I heard the faint sound of Momota saying 'thank god' and Saihara just nodding. He and Ouma stepped aside as she kept calling out names.

"Yonaga and Shirogane,
Chabashira and Yumeo,
Gokuhara and Hoshi,
Momota and Harukawa,
Korekiyo and I,
Akamatsu and Iruma,
and lastly, Keebo and Amami." Thank god I got someone I like. I thought to myself, as I saw Rantaro walk up to me. He gave me a warm smile before asking "What kinda cookies do you wanna make? I know a bunch since I used to bake for my sisters a lot on Holidays!"

Me being a robot, who just got the function to eat 2 months ago, didn't know what to pick. The only type of cookies i've had were chocolate chip. "Well, i've never really tried any. So it's up to you and whatever you think is best!"

"How about we make Sugar cookies then? Those are the best!" He suggested.

"Sure! Sounds good." As I told him that, he started to explain what we would need. I nodded and grabbed the ingredients. I grabbed soft butter, eggs, and vanilla extract while he grabbed flour, sugar, baking soda, and salt.

We put the butter and sugar into the bowl first, then we added 2 eggs and a pinch of vanilla. Once that was done, we added 2 cups of flour, some baking soda and a pinch of salt. We mixed it all together until we got a good mixture. I smiled at our creation and turned to Rantaro. "This looks good so far! What do we do next?" I asked him.

"Well, we need a baking sheet and parchment paper so we can bake them." I nodded and went to grab the two things. Once I got them, I walked back to Rantaro with the things in hand. I placed down the cookie sheet while he laid parchment paper ontop of it. "Now we use the ice cream scooper, it sounds weird but it makes sure all cookies are the same size. They will flatten once baked, so don't worry about that. I'd say space them out around two centimeters each."

"Ok!" I smiled and started to do what he asked of me. Though, he was quick to grab my hand and stop me.

"You're doing it wrong,, here let me show you," he lightly laughed a little as he walked behind me and grabbed my hand, he then started to show me / help me with doing it. I was trying hard to focus but my mind was running 100 miles an hour.

(we're so close x4) I could practically feel my face burning up. He finally let go of me and went back to standing on my left. I quickly started to put the cookies on the tray until it was finally done. Rantaro took the job of putting the tray in the oven. It was empty since we were the second to finish, yet no one else was using it. We looked around to see everyone else's state, to see when they might be done.

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