scrapbook love

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Hope is a beautiful thing, it can make you optimistic. But in some situations being a pessimist is better than being optimistic, it makes it less dissapointing.

As me and the Pouges watched with joy in our eyes, I felt my heart sink at the sight of nothing but a ship wreck. There was no gold, someone had beaten us, beaten my dad. All of my dads research, the late nights me and the pouges spent trying too figure out how too get around this. It was all for nothing.

''Its not there,'' Pope grunted, I kept my eyes trained on the camera like if I stared long enough it would appear.

''Lets just pull it up,'' John B said emotionless, just staring out into nowhere.

''No we can try again, recharge the battery and go back down,'' Pope tried to reason but it only made John B begin too pace around the boat.

John B began tugging at his hair and I finally pulled my gaze away from the screen and tried walking over too him. I placed a hand on his shoulder, he was keeping it together better than I was.

''Guys we have looked three times there is nothing there!'' JJ yelled over the rumbling of the storm.

''Shut up!'' Kie yelled back ''the gold could be buried we don't know,''

''If it was there it would have been found on the metal detector okay, somebody beat us too it,'' John B cried out making me jump back slightly, his face fell when he seen my reaction. he quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me into his side hugging me slightly.

The whole boat was silent the trip back, the silence made me uneasy and I didn't like it not one bit. I sat with my head on John B's shoulder silently letting the tears fall. I didn't want them too think I was weak, being weak was no good in a world like this.


I went back too my house after that, I couldn't be there not when everyone was so dissapointed. I was sat in my room, Andy and my mum were on a different island today, they didn't tell me which one.

I was lead under my white bed sheets, they were fluffy and complemented my four poster bed. I was drawing in my sketch pad when I remembered that I forgot too text Sarah about the party.

Sorry I left the party the other night,, I will tell you soon,

It took her only seconds too reply.

Of course don't worry about it xx

It felt a relief when she had finally replied, I was so worried she was angry at me.

I went back too my sketch pad, and resumed sketching the fish. I found it theraputic, my mother thinks it is lovely and Andy prefers it over ballet. But I would do anything too go back too dance, the way the music lead my body for the minutes the music was playing. I flowed with the rythym not my own choices.

It was then the silence broke when I heard a knock at my window, I turned around and almost jumped out of my skin when I seen JJ and Pope. JJ seemed like he had effortlessly made it up where as Pope was holding onto a nearby pipe for dear life. I raided a brow in confusion as JJ stood there smirking. It was then I realized what a mess I looked. I had my PJ shorts on which were tartan and my black sweatshirt. My hair was in a high messy bun above my head and I had taken all of my makeup off. I snapped out of my thoughts as I walked towards the window unlocking it too allow the boys in. As soon as Pope jumped in he grabbed me too try regain his balance.

''Nice room Liv,'' JJ smirked, I watched as he walked over too my bedside and picked up the polaroid Kiara had taken. I could see his smile rise in his cheeks.

I was brought back from my thoughts when Pope cried out ''They know!''

I looked back to JJ who put his head down nervously, ''Who knows what?''

falling deep- JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now