Bird and bean

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I was sat in the back of the twinkie with my head on JJ's shoulder and his hand on my thigh. My eyes were closed, I was tired from this morning, part of me wanted to go home, but John B pleaded for me too stay. I really didn't feel well, all I wanted was my bed at this point but my friends needed me. Before I knew it I had fell asleep on the boys shoulder hearing nothing of the conversation that was happening.

''Dude you need to shoot your shot bro,'' Pope whispered, clearly not wanting my brother to hear.

''She is John B's sister dude and my best friend, im not just gonna use her as some hook up,'' He whispered back.

''Then don't just hook up,''

''What the hell are you on about,''

''Make it work with her, not every girl needs to just be a hook up. We all see the way you guys are with eachother, there isn't a moment where you guys aren't stood together or touching.

''Pope just drop it,'' JJ sighed and looked down at the girl on his shoulder. She always looked so peaceful when she was with him. He smirked a little bit as Aria nuzzled into him more.

I felt myself stirring a little, I tried hard to remain asleep. Before I even opened my eyes I could feel my head pounding, why was I so ill all of a sudden. I opened my eyes but I was still in the back of the twinkie, except this time it wasn't moving. I was on my side but in someone's lap, the smell of vanilla hit my nose. It was JJ he had been stealing my vanilla spray so he could smell like me. I turned onto my back and looked up at the boy. He was already smiling down at me, I never realized how beautiful his blue eyes were. They were just like the waves he surfed.

''Why are we still in the van,'' I yawned out, then holding my head from the pain.

''Kie and your brother went into the light house and pope's outside working on his scolarship,'' He whispered.

I nodded while sitting up and placing myself in front of him. I was dying to ask him something I just didn't want him too think I was being stupid. I tilted my head to the sighed and he copied my actions making me chuckle to myself. Why was this boy so god dam funny.

''I need to ask you something,'' I began shaking a little '' Do you think my dad is dead,'' I sounded so bold about it I even shivered at my own words.

He looked down a little, the loss of eye contact made me know what he was thinking. I nodded my head a little. I couldn't help it anymore, tears were streaming down my face at this point and JJ didn't hesitate to grab my hand and look up at me.

''I didn't mean to make you sad I just don't want you holding onto false hope,'' He said, and I looked into his eyes again.

''I know, we no I don't know for sure I think at this point im too scared too say it and so is John B but I know you guys think we are stupid its just the last time I seen him I was being dragged away by social workers I didn't even get a goodbye,'' I cried out, JJ pulled me onto his lap, my head on his chest and he stroked his hands through my hair.

''shh don't cry and your not stupid at all, you have hope that's what people admire Liv,'' He whispered. I turned to face him smiling once again.

He always knew what too say. He was never wrong with anything and even when we were little if someone picked on me he would sort it. I was lucky too have him.

That was when we heard the sirens and both of our smiles fell into faces of panic. What the hell has my brother done now.

We took off in the twinkie, Pope driving. We drove around for a while. I thought the plan was too go back too JJ's house, but we haven't spoken about his home situation since I came back. Pope was a really bad driver, so I am pretty sure I hit my head on the back of the van. JJ and Pope kept yelling back and forth about the fact that if the John B messed this up Popes scholarship was gone. I just zoned out again until we pulled up at the docks, JJ pulled out a spliff and began smoking it, while pope sat down fiddiling with his hands too calm himself. I walked away a bit and pulled out my phone, I had a few missed calls from my mum.

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