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''You're what!?''

''Not if Rafe's going,''

''What so all of a sudden your a kook now?''

The twinkie got heated the minute I mentioned I was going too a party, a party with a bunch of Kooks. A party where Rafe Cameron would be, I should have known better than too tell them the truth. I shook my head full of regret.

''Look Sarah asked me too go and I wasn't about too say no, besides Andy would get off of my back for a bit,'' I muttered the last bit, but they all heard.

Kiara was angry at first but hearing the girls tone of voice change at the last bit made her rethink it. She didn't want her best friend too leave her, not for the kooks but she had no choice at this point. She remembered the conversation they had this morning and knew she needed too at least pretend too be a kook. Part of her knew she needed too tell the pouges what Andy Parker had done too his step daughter the past four years. However a part of her couldn't bring herself too tell the boys, she needed Ari too trust her. She needed Ari to stay with her.

''Guys maybe it isn't a bad idea,'' Kie piped up, trying too help her friend.

''Since when did you care what Andy thought and Kie I don't know why your trying too help her as far as I remember you hate Sarah Cameron,'' My brother fought back, clearly not okay with me going.

I looked towards Pope for back up but he only replied with a shrug of the shoulder and that continued too stare out of the window. I didn't even bother looking at JJ he wouldn't want me going because of Rafe, he had this thing against him.

''Look you don't get it I can do what I want, nothings gonna happen there all nice people maybe not too you all because of that stupid side of the island crap but I don't give a dam about that,'' I snapped back, I didn't wanna be involved with the whole Kook v Pouges rubbish. Kie stayed quiet now, John B bringing up Sarah clearly annoyed her, I couldn't look too her for back up anymore.

''Rafe is gonna be there I don't want you near him,'' John B raised his voice looking back at me.

''Me either Liv I told you about him,'' JJ chimed in, raising an eyebrow.

I crossed my arms '' What the hell you can't tell me what too do, I can be friends with who I want,'' I said back, I didn't bother raising my voice.

''No you can't Aria not if it him, infact not if its a kook in general,'' He explained

I was done at this point, the kooks weren't the greatest no and there lifestyle wasn't what I really wanted. But I promised Sarah, and Rafe seems cool and I promised too hang out with him sometimes. Most importantly im doing this so im not actually lying too Andy and if he asks people if they seen me they will say yes. I need to go, my mum said earlier Andy can't know she is letting me see my brother.

That was great hearing her say that.

But the Andy can't know part stuck, which meant I had too atleast try with the Kooks so Andy wouldn't suspect a thing. I couldn't tell John B that, that part sucked if I could tell him everything maybe he would understand.

''Let me out,'' I said sternly, no emotion showing onto my face whatsoever. I wasn't a baby I don't need protecting I can handle myself at a party.

''What?'' JJ asked, turning too face me, he shook his head.

''I said let me out I don't wanna go with you guys,'' I said lowly averting eye contact with the boy.

''Will you meet us later,'' He said with a hopeful voice

''Maybe'' I whispered, John B pulled over and Pope opened the van door for me. I climbed out only saying bye too Kie and walked away. John B didn't even bother trying too stop me. Maybe I hurt him I don't know all I do know is that I needed too go too this party.

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