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This is for all the jinkookers that say yes to my poll.


"I'm really so irritated of that bitch, he thought he owns everyone here. He thought he can do whatever he likes. I wish Mr. Jeon will leave him. I can't stand him." Hoseok was so pissed at what Jimin done to Seokjin.

"I'm fine, Hobi hyung. Don't be mad at someone, you will only get a high blood pressure if you get involved with him. I promise I will just stay away when I see him"said Seokjin.

I really need to stay away not only from Jimin, Jungkook and even in Taehyung. All I want is to save money and I want to continue finding my parents.

"Let's go jinnie"said Hoseok. Seokjin was awaken by his thoughts.

Seokjin was searching for his parents since he was 13 years old. But even now. He can't find them.  He didn't want them to recognize him as their child. He only wanted is to know why they leave me in the orphanage, why they leave him all alone.

The two where talking as they went to the locker. Good thing hoseok has a spare clothes..

"Jinnie, Mr. Lee will comeback later. Your gonna meet him"

"Okay, What is the full name of Mr. Lee?" Ask Seokjin.

"Sorry I forgot to tell you, His name is Mr. Hyun Lee. Don't worry he's a nice man" said Hoseok.


"Yeah! Do you know him?" Ask hoseok.

"I think I heard his name before"said seokjin.

"Okay! Don't worry you will know him later. Just don't get nervous. "

"Thank you hyung" said seokjin with a smile. "I'm so lucky to meeting you"

"Ah! I'm so touch. I'm also lucky meeting a friend like you. When I first met you I know that we will click that instant and I know how your gonna be my friend."

Seokjin smile. They reach the Locker room and seokjin came prepared. He knows that Jimin will make his life a living hell. That's why he brought his spare uniform.

"Good thing you brought those"said Hoseok

"Yes, I'm always ready for emergency" said seokjin.

I'm also ready for those two. Bring it on. I'm not letting them ruin my new life.

"Very good, go ahead and change I will be just outside"

"Okay, thank you hyung"

Hoseok came out of the room and close the door.

Then a loud ringing was heared.

It was Hoseok phone.

Mr. Lee flashes to the screen.

He immediately answer it.

"Good morning Mr. Lee, how's your trip" he ask.

"Mr. Lee? Huh! Hoseok, how long will you call me mr. lee? I'm your father" said Mr. Lee.

"Come on father, you know I like to tease you." He giggle. "And I'm still at work, that's why your still my boss" he added.

"Your full of humor, I love you son. I will be there in 20 minutes"

"Okay! Take care Appa" said Hoseok as he ended the call.

Then seokjin open the door.

"Let's go" he said and Hoseok nod.

Seokjin and hoseok didn't go to lobby, they just started to clean rooms. Hoseok didn't want Jimin to see Seokjin again. That's why he hides him. After a few minutes. They are finished. Right in time for Mr. Lee started to call his son.


"Hoseok, you can bring Mr. Kim Seokjin here" he said.

"Okay"He reply.

"Who was that?" Ask Seokjin.

"Mr. Lee, he wanted to see you"

"Okay, let's go"

Then they went to the housekeeping office.

Hoseok open the door and seokjin first see a forty old man  man sitting on The table. He smile as he look at the door.

"Finally we Meet Again Mr. Kim Seokjin"said the Man.

"Mr. Hyun. Is that really you?"

"Yes, it's me have a sit"

"Do you know each other?" Ask Hoseok that is clueless why they both know each other.

"Yes, he was Mr. Jeon boyfriend before"

"What? Is this true? Jinnie" ask Hoseok.

Seokjin slowly nod.

"Really? So your the man that My father always told me. He always praise you." Hoseok said.

"Did, he also tell you how our love story ended?"

Hoseok nod.

Seokjin wanted to cry.

"But, my father believe you and I believe you too" said Hoseok.

Seokjin eyes went to hoseok.

"Mr. Hyun is your father?"said seokjin.

"Yes, but why. You don't have the same sure name?"

"It's a long story"said Hoseok with a smile.

"I believe you, I know your innocent. Just like me"

Flash back 3 years before.

Mr. Hyun Lee is just a simple bell boy before and he was caught in a Stealing someone's money.

He was frame by his co worker.

that time Jungkook wanted to talk to his father and he also bring seokjin with him.

Mr. Hyun Lee was so desperate and about to cry, because even if he was frame he can't defend himself because everyone was against him.

Seokjin was just listening them arguing.

Then they where shock, when seokjin speak.

"Please don't judge anyone, without any evidence. How could you assume his the real theft. If you want evidence go check the cctv footage." He said.

Then Jungkook agree "yes father I agree to my love. You should check it. Every hallways has cctv.

His father was not amuse with Seokjin but he let them Check. And they found who is the real culprit and it was their own manager.

That was the start Mr. Hyun Lee thanking Seokjin.


Mr. Lee went to Seokjin and started to grab his hands.

"Thank you and if you need anything. Me and my son will be here for you"

"Your welcome" seokjin said.

Finally God give me someone that I trust and count on.

Sorry for the late update.

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