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While Seokjin and Taehyung hug each, but that's why they didn't notice someone is lurking outside the window.

The man in the window smile because he found his target.

"Hyung, have you eat dinner" said seokjin as he wipe his tears.

"Nope, I didn't?"

"Come, join me. Let's eat, I can't finish all these. Yoongi hyung wanted me to get fat"seokjin pouted cutely.

Taehyung Smile to his cuteness. Finally he got the forgiveness he wanted for so long. He promise that the past will never happened again. He will protect Seokjin with his life.

They sit and talk. They wanted to catch up with each other, just minus the bad thing that happens.


Yoongi and hoseok went to the one of Yoongi's living room.

"Wow, hyung your house is so amazing. Where been friends for 1 years and you didn't say anything, that you live in a fucking mansion" said Hoseok that it's still looking at the interior of the house.

Yoongi smile "That's because. I just bought this mansion past week. I wanted to show this first, but you know" he pause "lot of things happen"

"Yes, I know. Poor jinnie he's been targeted by that bitch fucking Jimin" Hoseok said with anger.

"Yes, I know all about the things he done with that coward and Bastard Jungkook. But don't worry, they will experience pain that they given not only Seokjin but to all that they fucking hurt" said Yoongi with a blazing fire on his eyes.

"Hyung, may I ask?"


"Why are you helping Jinnie? Do you know him?"

Yoongi look at Hoseok and smile "Yes, he was my first crush. If I make a move first. Maybe Jungkook didn't meet him. Maybe his happy with me" said Yoongi as he bitterly smile.

"Wow, you like him? Omg! You deserve to be happy. But I think Taehyung is also making a move" said Hoseok with a smirk.

"May the best man win" Yoongi smile.

But the smile was faded and became a nervous. When they heard a BOOM sound coming from the kitchen.

Their heartbeat fast as they almost run to the corridor. Then they saw the kitchen door destroy and the whole cover with almost white smoke. Theirs a lot of fire in the room.

"Uhhhh! Hyyuuuunggg" someone said.

Hoseok and Yoongi follow the sound and the gasp at what they saw. Taehyung and Seokjin was lying on the floor. Taehyung was over seokjin.

Taehyung's whole back have bruises. It has a deep cut. Taehyung was unconscious and seokjin was almost half awake and shouted for help.

Yoongi's men are helping the two get ou from the kitchen because the ceiling was going to collapse.

Hoseok called an ambulance.
(They didn't let someone see them leaving the house. Because Yoongi knows that they might be followed by Jimin's men. )

(Jimin's men, was found and killed)

The ambulance came and get Taehyung and Seokjin.

Yoongi cuss on their way to the hospital.
"Fucking Jimin, mark my I will kill you with my very own hands" said Yoongi.

"Hyung, your not a murderer. Please calm your self. Everything will be fine. Hyung please don't act so foolish"

"Fuck! Why did he have to do this. His not fighting fairly. Fuck! That bitch. I promise he will end up dead"

"Hyung, please stop. Okay! Just do it for Jinnie. He don't want you to be a murderer. Jimin will get what he deserve. Don't worry hyung."


Jimin saw Jungkook in the parking lot of the hotel.

He smile evily.

"Where do you think your going?"

"It's non of your business. Just let me be" said Jungkook that was about to enter his car.

"Seoul hospital


"Your going to find that bitch right? Go to that hospital and try to find the morgue. Cause you will him their" said Jimin that is now laughing.

Jungkook grab his collar and punch him in the left cheek. It was bleeding.

"Hahahha! Even if you punch me. It will not return that dead bitch back to life. Hahahaha" laugh Jimin.

"What the hell" Jungkook remove his hands to Jimin's collar and push him. Jimin stumble but still laughing. Jungkook came in to his car and drive to the hospital.


I really didn't expect I will update this story.

But a theirs so many of you voted for this book, that's why it inspired me to write.

Thank you so much for 1 reads this book has reach 12k.

Thank you for reading and making me happy.

Love you all Angels.

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