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No matter how much you asked Kuroo to tell you where Kenma is being held, he never did. You asked him if you can see him just once for a short period of time, he didn't let you. And eventually days blurred into weeks until a month had gone by.

Just when you were going to accept the fact that Kenma really couldn't see you, Kuroo came to tell you that he's leaving.

He's leaving, just him.

You had seen and read stuff like this before, running after someone who is about to board a plane and catching up to them in the nick of time. You always thought how cliché it was, but you didn't know it would feel like this in real life.

The utter sense of relief when you saw him, the emotions swirling inside you when he turned around to face you.


It was the first thing Kenma said after a month, your name, and you almost wanted to bawl your eyes out. Kuroo accompanied you to the airport, standing right behind you.

"I told Kuroo not to tell you."

"So you're just going to leave just like that?" you asked, and your visions started to blur. "You did so many things to keep me by your side, and now you're the one who's going to leave."

He did so many things, most of which were things that arose from obsession, some of which have hurt you physically and emotionally. But just as when you felt the need to stay by his side, he's the one who's leaving.

It was as if the gods are mocking you, as if you were being played in the hands of faith.

Before coming here, Kuroo told you about Kenma's case. His parents had sent an appeal, they hired a really good attorney, and after proving that he is mentally unstable, they granted him bail and Kenma will be sent abroad to stay at an institution to get better.

For how long Kenma had no idea.

"Take good care of yourself, Y/n" he said instead.

Before he gave you the smile you thought you'd never see him make.

"Can you stay here?" you asked, tears falling down your face. "Or can I come with you?"

He didn't answer either of your questions, instead he just wiped the tears from your cheeks.

"I told you I can't change overnight. You have to wait for me for a little while, I'll come back when I get better."

Maybe it's his punishment. Kenma doesn't know how long he will have to stay there. Or if he will be able to come back. Perhaps death is easier.

He had already taken care of things, he left behind part of his assets and transferred it under your name, the commercial building was given back to the old couple after it was remodeled, Kenma had already arranged things in case this happens.

"Kohaku," you said before Kenma can turn around to leave.

"It's the name I thought of. It means amber. So even if you're gone, I'll be reminded of your amber eyes."

The amber eyes that you first noticed when you saw him for the first time.

"Kohaku," Kenma repeated, his eyes falling on your stomach before he looked back up at you. "I like it very much."

𝗣𝗨𝗥𝗥, 𝗞𝗜𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗡 || k. kozumeWhere stories live. Discover now