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"Mallika" Sumedh whispered looking at her whereas she hummed in silently in response "Why do you seem tired?And why are you skinnier?don't you eat properly these days,Love you need to take care of yourself .. Huh! What am I telling I know you can't do everything yourself these days,Aish!! Let it go,From today on I will make you and our baby Bubbly balloons!!!!" Sumedh exclaimed in extreme happiness whereas Mallika completely froze,her body suddenly turned cold ,tears automatically pooled her eyes hearing it....

She pushed Sumedh and started crying heavily cupping her face "SUMEDH PLEASE LEAVE" Mallika chocked,"What,what do you mean" Sumedh said going towards her but Mallika went back not letting him touch her "Sumedh the truth is I really never deserved you or deserve you or will never deserve a poor soul like you,I AM SORRY,I NEVER WANTED TO BREAK YOUR HEART BUT I HAD NO OTHER OPTION,I didn't knew what the future would be,PLEASE,you really don't deserve a bitch like me,you deserve the happiest life in this whole world,not this one with a shit girl" Mallika whispered crying heavily unable to clearly speak "Mallika just shut up" Sumedh almost roared and suddenly pinned her to the wall with red eyes whereas Mallika frightened and he started kissing her hardly making it hard to not just push him "Just tell it, Everyone's life has hard times & good times ,that's the surest thing of every creature living on earth,and now we are going through it,If I really did never deserved you destiny wouldn't meet us together or If did then I would have never loved you more than myself, you wouldn't become my breath,Just Mallika why are you like this? Crying each and every hour will only give you sorrows, Just look at yourself now and on the day we met,You really have to be positive and strong,I really expected to see your pleasent smile while coming her hear,but I am...." Sumedh just muttered while cupping her right cheek, whereas Mallika throwed herself on his chest,clutching his shirt,silently crying "Because I don't wanna hurt you but I did" Mallika whispered "What do you mean" He asked,Mallika left a sad-regret sigh and finally spoke up with difficulty "I..I.. A..B..ORT..ED..O..UR..B..ABY" Mallika chocked up not able to control anymore she cried her heart out,frightened if Sumedh would leave her "PLEASE FORGIVE ME IF YOU CAN" Mallika whispered and fainted leaving Sumedh in a

"Mallika,Mallika wake up I said" Sumedh almost roared, patting her cheeks,almostly crying.
He picked her up in her arms and gently placed her on the bed,sumedh get to know that she fainted because she wasn't eating properly and too because of her mental illness..

After 20 min,

Mallika gently woke up and found sumedh staring her,she frightened a bit because of his intense gaze on her but he suddenly turned backwards and forwarded some bread with butter,an apple and a glass of water "Have it" He said coldly but she gently pushed it backwards making him know that she doesn't wants it "I said have it RIGHT NOW,no more arguments" He shouted and forwarded a piece whereas Mallika silently ate it being frightened to see a different side of him,he fed her the bread-butter and apple and made her to drink water...

"Now go and freshen up yourself"Sumedh said whereas Mallika pointed sumedh making him confused "What" Sumedh asked "I can't do it alone" She pouted like a baby while Sumedh blushed a lil bit and smirked because he got that she's in a play mood "So what do you want me to do" He asked whereas Mallika jumped from there and throwed herself on him,locking her thighs and legs on his waist and sumedh holded her hips to prevent her from falling down,"Gimme another one " She said huskly making their nose touch each other,"Give you what" He asked "A baby" Mallika whispered and started sucking his neck and started unbotting his shirt,roaming her hands out there sensually,making him groan....

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